LSBUD Customer Satisfaction Survey 2025 Question Title * 1. Please select the option below that best describes you? Contractor Utility Company Surveyor Farmer Professional Advisor (Legal, architect etc) Local Authority Highways Authority Other Government Agency Home Owner Land Owner Other, please state below: Question Title * 2. What is the main reason you use LSBUD? To excavate To design/plan Both For information purposes only Question Title * 3. How many LSBUD enquiries do you submit each year? 1 - 10 11 - 100 101 - 1000 Over 1000 Question Title * 4. Do you feel that the service saves you time rather than having to check all the 160+ asset owners’ information individually? Yes No If you have any further comments please let us know Question Title * 5. Do you feel that the service helps improve the safety of yourself and/or your team when undertaking works on site? Yes No If you have any further comments please let us know Question Title * 6. Are you aware of or have you used our Advanced Services? I have heard of it but haven't used it I have used it but it wasn't what I expected I have used it and it was great I haven't heard of it I haven't heard of it but would like more information Search API Search API I have heard of it but haven't used it Search API I have used it but it wasn't what I expected Search API I have used it and it was great Search API I haven't heard of it Search API I haven't heard of it but would like more information Digital Insight Digital Insight I have heard of it but haven't used it Digital Insight I have used it but it wasn't what I expected Digital Insight I have used it and it was great Digital Insight I haven't heard of it Digital Insight I haven't heard of it but would like more information Top-Up Service Top-Up Service I have heard of it but haven't used it Top-Up Service I have used it but it wasn't what I expected Top-Up Service I have used it and it was great Top-Up Service I haven't heard of it Top-Up Service I haven't heard of it but would like more information Large Site Service Large Site Service I have heard of it but haven't used it Large Site Service I have used it but it wasn't what I expected Large Site Service I have used it and it was great Large Site Service I haven't heard of it Large Site Service I haven't heard of it but would like more information Do you have any other comments? Question Title * 7. Do you have any comments, questions or concerns about LSBUD, including how we could improve the service for you? Question Title * 8. If you have engaged with the LSBUD Team in any way for example via phone, chat or email, how satisfied have you been Unsatisfied Could be better Average Good Excellent N/A Unsatisfied Could be better Average Good Excellent N/A If you have any further comments please let us know Question Title * 9. Do you receive our newsletter? Yes No No but I would like to, please sign me up! Is there anything else you would like to see included in the newsletter? Please also provide your name, email address if you would like to subscribe. Question Title * 10. How would you rate the service LSBUD provides overall? Poor Could be better Average Good Excellent Poor Could be better Average Good Excellent Please let us know if you have further comments or areas we can improve Question Title * 11. Would you recommend LSBUD to a friend? Yes No Please let us know any further comments Question Title * 12. If you are happy for us to contact you following this survey please complete the details below Name Email Address Phone Number Done