How wildlife friendly is your churchyard or burial ground?

In order to gain a plaque please tell us what you are doing for wildlife in at least 3 of the sections below. Every burial ground is different, so we understand that there will be some actions for wildlife that won't work in your space, especially on smaller sites or those that are regularly used. Don't worry - just tell us about what you can do instead!

Plaques are available to churchyards, burial grounds and faith spaces within the county of Somerset and the Diocese of Bath and Wells (including BaNES). Please be aware that we cannot send plaques outside of this area. 

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* 1. What is the name and location of the churchyard, burial ground or faith-associated space you are requesting a plaque for?

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Before you begin taking action for nature in your churchyard, burial ground or faith-associated space it's important to survey the area and ensure you do no harm. Existing habitats are hugely valuable so these need to be the first priority. Churchyards and similar spaces have often been managed differently to surrounding countryside, which means they are more likely to support ancient species-rich grassland and other important habitats.

It's also important to make choices that are beneficial for wildlife in all that you do. Please tell us about the steps you have taken to manage your site for wildlife, by ticking any actions that apply and using the text box.

  We're doing this Not yet, but we plan to This isn't an option for our site
Identifying/surveying species already present to help plan management that conserves and enhances value for nature
Choosing native plant species when planting or adding seed
Never use peat
Going chemical free
Avoiding cutting back hedges or vegetation during breeding season (March - September)
Protecting historic features such as ancient trees and walls
Avoiding planting or encouraging invasive species (such as grey squirrels, Spanish bluebells, Himalayan balsam, cherry laurel)
Mowing around areas with grassland fungi or other seasonal species
Using cuttings of grass areas, and removal of cuttings, to support a diversity of wildflowers
Managing different areas in different ways to provide a variety of habitats for wildlife throughout the year

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* 3. Section 2: FOOD
This section is about how much food your churchyard, burial ground or faith-associated space provides for wildlife throughout the year.

  We're doing this Not yet, but we plan to This isn't an option for our site
Providing pollen and nectar-rich native flowers
Providing shrubs and trees with nuts and berries
Allowing areas of lawn to grow taller and set seed over summer
Providing areas of vegetation that support important food plants for invertebrates such as butterflies

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* 4. Section 3: SHELTER
This section is about whether your churchyard, burial ground or faith-associated space provides safe places for wildlife to live, hide and hibernate.

  We're doing this Not yet, but we plan to This isn't an option for our site
Allowing native creepers such as ivy to grow on vertical surfaces
Leaving dead wood and log piles
Leaving perennial seed heads standing for invertebrates in some areas until spring
Providing a bird, bat, bee or hedgehog box
Creating features for reptiles to bask or use as hibernacula e.g. stone piles or tin sheets
Creating a compost pile using grass cuttings and pruned vegetation, providing habitat for reptiles and other wildlife

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* 5. Section 4: WATER
Does your churchyard, burial ground or faith-associated space help to preserve water resources and provide water for wildlife to drink and as a habitat?

  We're doing this Not yet, but we plan to This isn't an option for our site
Wildlife pond (can be large or small) - without fish
Bog garden - or permanently wet area
Provide bird bath, bumblebee watering station or other small area of water for wildlife to drink and wash
Retaining water – e.g. use water butts

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* 6. Section 5 - CONNECTIONS and CORRIDORS
We need to develop a Nature Recovery Network that extends into every part of our countryside and urban areas, to allow wildlife to travel, breed and thrive.

  We're doing this Not yet, but we plan to This isn't an option for our site
Providing gaps in fences and walls for hedgehogs
Providing a mixed native hedge or stonewall
Minimising light pollution for bats
Managing ditches with wildlife in mind
Talking to neighbouring land managers about what you are doing and why

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* 7. Section 6 - COMMUNITY
Engaging and consulting the community is a vital process when planning any changes to your churchyard or burial ground. Please tell us about anything you've done to engage your community, such as putting up posters and signs, working with local schools, putting on events or running formal consultations or door-to-door questionnaires.

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* 8. YOUR DETAILS - please provide your FULL address if you would like to receive a Wilder Churches plaque and/or wish to hear more from us in the future.

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* 9. Which Wilder Churches plaque would you like to recieve?

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* 10. Please tick the boxes that confirm how you would like to hear from us.

We promise to never sell your details to other organisations. Please note, if you do not tick any of the boxes we may not be able to share with you details of our work that may be of interest.  You can change your communication preferences at any time’ by emailing us at or by calling us on 01823 652429.  To find out how we use and protect your personal data and your rights, please see our Privacy Policy.

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* 11. Please use this comment box to tell us about anything you are particularly proud of or interesting wildlife sightings in your churchyard, burial ground or faith related space:

We may use your anonymised comments to inspire others on our website, social media or e-news.