Covid Restriction Changes Survey

It is planned on 19th July, all legal restrictions regarding social distancing, face coverings, and venue capacities will be lifted. 
Seaton Tramway is currently reviewing its covid safety policies and risk assessments for the 19th July onwards. 
Hand sanitizers, Perspex screens, and strict cleaning of trams and stations will still be in place indefinitely. 
We would like your help to understand your current thoughts about the planned lifting of restrictions and to inform how we move forward safely with our visitors in mind
1.What Age Group do you belong to?
2.Will you continue to wear a face covering by choice, in enclosed public areas after 19th July?
3.Will you expect staff members of an attraction to continue to wear face coverings in indoor spaces after 19th July? (An indoor space may include gift shop, station, enclosed trams)
4.Will you expect an attraction with indoor spaces to continue to request you wear a face covering after 19th July? (An indoor space may include gift shop, station, enclosed trams)
5.Will you expect an attraction with indoor spaces to continue to request you continue social distancing after 19th July? (An indoor space may include gift shop, station, enclosed trams)
6.Would an indoor face covering policy stop you from going to an attraction this summer?
7.Would an indoor social distancing (1m+) policy stop you from going to an attraction this summer?
8.How anxious are you about the proposed restriction changes from 19th July?
Not anxious at all
Quite anxious
Very anxious
9.Please leave any other comments regarding your opinion on planned restriction changes and visiting attractions this summer
Current Progress,
0 of 9 answered