SBH Scotland are working to find out more about the inequalities faced by people with spina bifida and/or hydrocephalus. This will help us to steer our services towards addressing these issues. 
Section One: Information About You

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* 1. Name

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* 2. Email address

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* 3. Gender

Section Two: Education & Employment

Question Title

* 4. Has being a parent/carer for a person with spina bifida or hydrocephalus (or both) affected your access to education or employment?

Question Title

* 5. What further support would have been useful for your education or employment journey?

Question Title

* 6. If education and employment are not accessible for you, do you feel there is support available for you to try other pursuits e.g. volunteering, hobbies, community involvement?

Question Title

* 7. As a parent/ carer, for a person with spina bifida or hydrocephalus (or both), what advice would you give to other parents/carers to help them through there education journey or employment 

Section 3: Cost-of-living

Question Title

* 8. Has the cost of living affected your daily life?

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* 9. Do you worry about any of the following in relation to the cost-of-living?

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* 10. If you checked any of the boxes above how worried would you say you are about these issues?

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* 11. Do you feel there are enough support mechanisms in place to help you through the cost-of-living crisis?

Question Title

* 12. As a parent/carer, has the cost of living effected the support or treatment for you or the person you care for? e.g. they can no longer attend an exercise class or getting them to an appointment is to expensive

Section 4: Access to health and social care 

Question Title

* 13. Have you experienced any challenges in accessing health care for yourself or the person you are caring for? 

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* 14. Are there any health related issues, that you or the person you are caring for has, that you wish you could receive more support with?

Question Title

* 15. Do you feel listened to by healthcare staff?

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* 16. Do you have enough access to respite opportunities?

Section 5: Housing 

Question Title

* 17. As a parent/carer for someone with spina bifida or hydrocephalus (or both), do you feel like you receive enough support in accessing housing that is suitable to the needs of the person you are caring for, by public authorities?

Question Title

* 18. What improvements do you think could be made to the housing system for people with disabilities in Scotland?

Section 6: Human Rights 

Human rights are rights or freedoms which belong to all human beings e.g. the right to life, the right to health. There are specific laws and policies in Scotland which are used to protect the human rights of people with disabilities.

Knowledge of human rights can be used as a tool for people with disabilities and their families to ensure they receive equal access to society. They can ensure people receive what they are entitled in terms of healthcare, education, social care, housing and much more!

SBH Scotland is currently working improve our understanding of how human rights link to our organisation.
We are keen to find out what your knowledge is about human rights and the rights of person's with disabilities. This will help us to understand the areas we must provide more information in.

Question Title

* 19. Do you have any knowledge about human rights or rights for people with disabilities or their carers/parents ?

Question Title

* 20. Would you like to learn more about how human rights can be used to protect people with disabilities and their parents/carers?

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* 21. Do you think the rights of people with disabilities need more protection in Scotland?

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* 22. Have there been times where you feel your rights have not been respected?

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100% of survey complete.