Question Title

* 2. How long have you had an RFD?

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* 3. When did you last renew?

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* 4. Did you get sent a reminder?

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* 5. How long before?

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* 6. Did you get fair warning of a visit?

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* 7. Did you receive a visit?

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* 8. How many attended?

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* 9. How long did the inspection take?

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* 10. Were any issues raised?

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* 11. What were the issues raised?

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* 12. Did you consider the questions were reasonable?

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* 13. How would you rate the level of knowledge of the Enquiry Officer?

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* 14. Were there any specific concerns you had?

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* 15. Did you have any follow up action?

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* 16. Did the new certificate arrive before the previous expiry date?

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* 17. How would you rate the overall process?

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* 18. Do you have any other observations?

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* 19. Contact details - will not be shared beyond GTA