
Community Survey – A Positive Future for the Old Langholm Primary School

There is a new Community Plan for Langholm that was consulted on locally.  The vision for 2030 is for Langholm to be "an even better place for people to stay, work, and visit. By 2030 Langholm will be a celebrated hub for small business and quality textiles, and a renowned visitor destination for its natural environment, its rich heritage, and its quality produce".  The purpose of the Langholm Alliance is to regenerate the area as a thriving, sustainable community through implementing that Community Plan.

As a key tool to achieve the objectives in the plan, the Langholm Alliance has an interest in the asset transfer of the old primary school on Thomas Telford Road to the community.  Re-storing and re-purposing this building could be the catalyst to achieveing much of the aspiration in the Community Plan. 

This survey invites you as someone who lives, works or visits Langholm to share your views on the potential use of the school and the benefit to the community.

The Alliance commissioned John Gilbert Architects and Community Enterprise to undertake more detailed community and technical research.  This survey will help us get to a detailed plan for the building.  Please take the time to complete this important survey and make sure that your voice is heard.

Community Enterprise, will be helping us to develop the idea. If you would like any further information, please contact Douglas by emailing or phone 07898 306374.

If you are interested in attending the on-line information and discussion event, it is on the 6th December at 7pm.  Register here 

All information gathered will be confidential. All survey responses (including those collected on paper) are recorded on Survey Monkey whose privacy policy can be viewed here: Community Enterprise's privacy policy can be viewed here:

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* 1. What is your connection with the Langholm?

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* 2. If you are answering on behalf of your household, how many people's views does this survey represent (not including yourself)?

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* 3. If you are a resident, how long you have lived here:

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* 4. If you are a local resident, do you expect to still be residing in the area in 10 years’ time?

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* 5. Please tell us your age and gender.

  0-16 yrs 17-25 yrs 26-35 yrs 36-50 yrs 51-65 yrs 66-75 yrs 75+ yrs Rather not say
Other / Prefer not to say

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* 6. Overall, and if a viable future can be found for it, do you in principle support the asset transfer of the school to the community

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* 7. Please expand on the specific ideas that have been identified in the Community Plan.  Record all thoughts and ideas

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* 8. What other specific projects or initiatives would you like to see happen in the old School?

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* 9. Are there any examples of community buildings that you have been to that inspire you, and that you think would be possible for Langholm and the Old School?

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* 10. Are you a member of any community groups, organisations or businesses who need space? (please specify)

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* 11. What do you think about the following statements:
Restoring the Old School will....

  Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree
Improve the local economy
Enhance the town's environment
Reduce isolation and bring people together
Change the lives of vulnerable people
Give the community more control
Create a more useful space for the community
Celebrate our shared heritage and increase pride in place

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* 12. Please use the space below to add any other comments, ideas or suggestions you have on the development of the old School.

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* 13. The Langholm Alliance is keen to include as many local people as possible.  Are you interested in getting involved? (Tick all that apply)

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* 14. GDPR regulations mean that if you do leave your personal details, we have to check you are happy with what happens with your data. If you have left contact details below, please tick the relevant boxes.

  Yes No
I consent to Community Enterprise storing my data only for the duration of the research period
I consent to Community Enterprise contacting me about this project
I consent to Community Enterprise passing my data to The Langholm Alliance

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* 15. Please leave us your contact details if you wish to be contacted or kept informed.