Leavesden Country Park Satisfaction Survey Three Rivers District Council is interested to understand visitors' views of Leavesden Country Park. Visitor opinions are very important to the Council in order to ensure that needs are being met and the quality of the park and facilities upheld. Please be assured that the information collected will be kept in the strictest confidence and used for research purposes only. It will not be possible to identify any particular individual or address in the results Question Title * 1. How often do you visit the park? Every day Most days Once or twice a week Once every 2 weeks Once a month Three or four times a year Twice a year Once a year Only been once Never Question Title * 2. How do you tend to get to the park (tick all that apply)? On foot Car Taxi Bicycle Bus Train Motorbike Coach Tube/Metro Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. How might you be encouraged to get to the park without using a car (tick all that apply)? More/safer cycle routes Secure, covered bike parking Events that encourage bike use (e.g. 'get a free coffee if you cycle') Somewhere to leave bags (e.g. lockers) More frequent/accessible public transport Cheaper public transport (e.g. family tickets) If you had to pay for parking I don't use a car/always walk Nothing Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. Including yourself, how many people tend to visit the park with you? Children (under 18) Adults (18 and over) Male 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+ Male Children (under 18) menu 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+ Male Adults (18 and over) menu Female 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+ Female Children (under 18) menu 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+ Female Adults (18 and over) menu Question Title * 5. Which animals, and how many (if any) do you tend to bring with you to the park? Dogs Horses Other Animals 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+ Animals Dogs menu 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+ Animals Horses menu 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10+ Animals Other menu Question Title * 6. Why do you visit the park (tick all that apply) To relax/get fresh air/peace and quiet To see wildlife (plants/animals/birds etc) Feed the birds Meet friends To eat/drink (picnic) To eat/drink (in cafe on site) To keep fit/improve health Walk dog For a walk (no dog) Visitor to YMCA Watch sports or games Play sport or games Ride bike Enjoy the beauty of the surroundings As a route to travel somewhere else Children/family outing Organised educational visit/event Visit the play area Use outdoor gym Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. How long do you tend to stay at the park? Less than 30 minutes 30 minutes up to 1 hour 1 up to 2 hours 2 up to 4 hours 4 or more hours Question Title * 8. Please rate the following for the park: Very good Fairly good Neither good nor poor Fairly poor Very poor The design and appearance of the park The design and appearance of the park Very good The design and appearance of the park Fairly good The design and appearance of the park Neither good nor poor The design and appearance of the park Fairly poor The design and appearance of the park Very poor The standard of cleanliness of the park The standard of cleanliness of the park Very good The standard of cleanliness of the park Fairly good The standard of cleanliness of the park Neither good nor poor The standard of cleanliness of the park Fairly poor The standard of cleanliness of the park Very poor The maintenance of the park The maintenance of the park Very good The maintenance of the park Fairly good The maintenance of the park Neither good nor poor The maintenance of the park Fairly poor The maintenance of the park Very poor The facilities and/or services that are provided for children and their parents The facilities and/or services that are provided for children and their parents Very good The facilities and/or services that are provided for children and their parents Fairly good The facilities and/or services that are provided for children and their parents Neither good nor poor The facilities and/or services that are provided for children and their parents Fairly poor The facilities and/or services that are provided for children and their parents Very poor Overall impression of the park Overall impression of the park Very good Overall impression of the park Fairly good Overall impression of the park Neither good nor poor Overall impression of the park Fairly poor Overall impression of the park Very poor Question Title * 9. How easy is it for you to get around the park? Very easy Fairly easy Neither easy nor difficult Fairly difficult Very difficult Question Title * 10. How safe or unsafe do you feel using the park in daylight? Very safe Fairly safe Neither safe nor unsafe Fairly unsafe Very unsafe 14% of survey complete. Next