ROBOTIC SURGERY:ASiT survey on attitude to and experience of surgical trainees in the UK and Ireland
There has been rapid adoption of the robotic surgical system across multiple specialties internationally. Despite this, there has been a delay in the incorporation of robotics into the surgical curriculum with a paucity of evidence in training techniques on the path to attaining independent practice. It has been suggested that a robust training curriculum is required. ASiT seeks to understand trainees opinions and experience on ROBOTIC SURGERY in terms of both current and future practice.
This survey is for surgical trainees from all specialties in the UK and Ireland, including those in academic posts. Your participation is greatly appreciated to ensure accurate, broad representation which can be used as feedback and to inform improvement going forward.
The survey takes approximately five minutes to complete. Please answer questions based on you experience in your current training post. It is anonymous and you will not be identifiable from the survey results so please answer as open and honestly as you can. Demographic data relating to your specialty and region helps us identify where particular problems may lie and will allow us to address these and facilitate change protect confidentiality, we will not report any data relating to fewer than 5 responses.
By completing the survey, you consent to ASiT using this data to represent trainees at national meetings and to the publication of pooled results. No trainee will be identifiable in any subsequent publication.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.