Feedback from the CA Members on the past Lenders Surveys was extremely positive and triggered several meetings with Lenders to improve the mortgage and conveyancing process including workshops with Lloyds Banking Group and Nationwide.
As a result of your input we have met and worked with surveyors, valuers, valuation panels, valuation software providers, RICS, and lenders to share working practices and identify how post offer queries might be reduced.
Now we need to know whether this has made a difference and how your teams view their experiences when dealing with lender processing teams.
Our next meeting in July involves a roundtable discussion with Lenders to further identify effective working practices.
Please take 5 minutes to have your say and to help us make a difference to the conveyancing process.
Please complete the survey by 20th June 2022 and pass on the link to your colleagues and also contacts in other law firms so that we know what is really happening “at the coal face”.
Those who respond will be entered in a prize drawer to be drawn on 6th July at our event in London for a £200 prize voucher.
Thank you.