Move More in May 2023 (1)

Move More in May - Sign Up Survey - (Beginning of May)

"Move More in May” is an exciting initiative aimed at supporting people in Bassetlaw to increase their physical activity and movement throughout the month of May.
The campaign is aimed at people of all abilities, shapes, sizes and ages increasing activities such as running, seated exercise or moving more in a wheelchair, walking, cycling, swimming, skateboarding, boating, pushing a pushchair, or simply taking five minutes out of your day to a bit of exercise when previously you didn’t do any.
To track the progress the campaign has made, two surveys will be conducted, one at the beginning of May and one at end of May.
Everyone who completes both surveys will be entered into a draw to win 1 of the 3 fitbits on offer or a luxury healthy hamper - so make sure you fill in the second survey too!
It is important to note that by completing both surveys, participants agree to their data being shared with health partners, which could then be used as case studies. This will be anonymised.
Move More in May is an excellent opportunity for people in Bassetlaw to improve their health and well-being by engaging in physical activity, and the initiative promises to make a positive impact on the community's overall health.
1.Your Name
2.Your Phone Number
3.Your Email Address(Required.)
4.Your Post Code
5.Your Age
6.Which of the following best describes your current level of physical activity? Please select the most appropriate option for you.
7.How have you chosen to Move More in May?
8.Have you set yourself a challenge or goal? If yes please let us know what you are hoping to achieve.
9.Why have you chosen to take part in Move More in May?
10.Do you have any barriers to taking part in physical activity?
11.If you answered Yes to question 9, please share anything that you are comfortable sharing. We would like to use anything said here to ensure we always remain inclusive, and are always taking into account the needs of every resident.
12.Please tick this box to confirm you are happy for your information to be shared with Bassetlaw Place Based Partnership, ABL Health, Barnsley Premier Leisure, Bassetlaw Action Centre, Aurora Wellbeing Centre, Active Notts, Bassetlaw Community and Voluntary Service and Bassetlaw District Council. This is for monitoring purposes only and all information will be anonymised when used publicly.