Tell us about your experience of health, care and wellbeing services during this Coronavirus/ COVID-19 Pandemic. (Knowsley)

We want to hear from you about how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected you or your family members accessing health and care services. By listening to your feedback, we can tell providers and commissioners of those services what has been working well during the pandemic and where people feel care and communication could be improved. At Healthwatch Knowsley, we're here to work with local health and care services to make sure they are working as best they can for the people who use them.

We know the current Coronavirus/ COVID-19 pandemic will have a big impact on peoples ability to access the health and care support they need, and on the organisations that provide those services. We also know that this will be a time of increased anxiety and worry for many and that social distancing measures will have an impact on some peoples emotional health & wellbeing. 
Please note that this survey is here to collect your experiences only! If you require medical help or support, you should contact NHS 111 with COVID-19 related symptoms or contact your GP with any other health concerns (check your GP's website for the latest guidance about how to make appointments). 
If you need help with social care services or if you are concerned about a vulnerable adult who may need support, contact 0800 073 0043 .
If you need help for you or your household, we recommend that you call Knowsley Council on 0800 073 0043 or fill in the online form to ask for the support you need and to get advice on where else you may be able to access information and help.
About this survey. 
The first part of the survey asks some questions about your experience of accessing health and care services during the Coronavirus/ COVID-19 outbreak as well as some questions about the impact that this has had on the well being of you and your family members. The second part of the survey asks some questions about how you have been able to access information and advice to keep yourself and others safe during this pandemic. The third and final section asks for a few details about you to make sure that we are reaching as many Knowsley residents as possible and to support us to identify any particular groups of people that are/have been particularly affected by this pandemic. We will not be able to identify you from the information you share in this section, it being anonymous. 

It should take approximately 6 minutes to complete the survey, depending on the detail of your responses. All responses are anonymous.
Section 1: Tell us about you and your experience
1.Do you consider yourself to be at high risk from  Coronavirus/COVID-19?
2.If you answered 'Yes' to Question 1, please tell us why [select all that apply]
3.Have you received a letter or text advising you to shield yourself?
4.Have you had Coronavirus/ COVID-19?
(symptoms include a high temperature, a new continuous cough)

5.If you think you may have had Coronavirus/ COVID-19, did you seek medical advice or care whilst you had symptoms?
6.Have you, or has the person you care for, experienced any changes to your/their healthcare due to the Coronavirus/ COVID-19 pandemic? (For example through cancelled appointments or operations, difficulty obtaining prescriptions or making GP appointments)
7.If you answered yes  to question 6, how would you rate the communication received about the changes? 
Very Poor
8.Does this relate to a specific service? 
9.Do you receive support from social care services? 
10.If you answered yes  to question 9, how would you rate the communication received about the changes? 
Very Poor
11.Prior to the Coronavirus/ COVID-19 pandemic, would you have regularly visited a family member, friend, neighbour in a residential/ nursing home?
12.How much of an impact has the Coronavirus/ COVID-19 pandemic had on your mental health or wellbeing?
No impact at all 
slight impact
moderate impact 
significant impact 
Very significant impact
13.If you have accessed services during the Pandemic, that have helped to support you or have helped you cope in your daily life, please let us know. (Please tick all that apply and let us know of any other services not listed which have supported you)
14.Do you care for or support someone, who is considered to be high risk from Coronavirus/ COVID-19?
15.If you answered yes to question 14, please tell us why they are considered to be at high risk
16.Has the person you care for or support received a letter or text advising them to shield?
17.Are you currently, or have you recently been working or volunteering to support people affected by Coronavirus/COVID-19?
18.Is there any other way that you feel your health, care or well being has been affected by this pandemic that you would like to tell us about? 
Section 2: Access to information and advice to keep yourself and others safe.
19.Tell us about your experience of accessing information and advice to keep yourself and others safe.
Very easy
Neither easy nor difficult
Very difficult
I don't know
How easy have you found it to find information you need to keep yourself and others safe?
How easy have you found it to understand information about how to keep yourself and others safe?
How easy have you found it to use/ act on the information about how to keep yourself and others safe?
How easy have you found it to keep up to date with the changes to information about how to keep yourself and others safe?
20.Which topics (if any) have you found it difficult to get clear information or advice about? (please select all that apply)
21.Where have you found information or advice about the Coronavirus/ COVID-19 pandemic? (please select all that apply)
Section 3: Tell us a bit more about you
22.Please tell us the first part of your postcode  (for example L36, L32)(Required.)
23.Please tell us your age:(Required.)
24.Please tell us which gender you identify with:(Required.)
25.Do you have a disability?(Required.)
26.Please tell us about your ethnic background:(Required.)

27.I give permission for my response to be stored by Healthwatch Knowsley in accordance with their privacy statement so that they can use this information to improve the delivery of health and care services for Knowsley residents and across the country.