We want to hear from you about how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected you or your family members accessing health and care services. By listening to your feedback, we can tell providers and commissioners of those services what has been working well during the pandemic and where people feel care and communication could be improved. At Healthwatch Knowsley, we're here to work with local health and care services to make sure they are working as best they can for the people who use them.
We know the current Coronavirus/ COVID-19 pandemic will have a big impact on peoples ability to access the health and care support they need, and on the organisations that provide those services. We also know that this will be a time of increased anxiety and worry for many and that social distancing measures will have an impact on some peoples emotional health & wellbeing.
We know the current Coronavirus/ COVID-19 pandemic will have a big impact on peoples ability to access the health and care support they need, and on the organisations that provide those services. We also know that this will be a time of increased anxiety and worry for many and that social distancing measures will have an impact on some peoples emotional health & wellbeing.
Please note that this survey is here to collect your experiences only! If you require medical help or support, you should contact NHS 111 with COVID-19 related symptoms or contact your GP with any other health concerns (check your GP's website for the latest guidance about how to make appointments).
If you need help with social care services or if you are concerned about a vulnerable adult who may need support, contact 0800 073 0043 .
If you need help for you or your household, we recommend that you call Knowsley Council on 0800 073 0043 or fill in the online form to ask for the support you need and to get advice on where else you may be able to access information and help.
About this survey.
The first part of the survey asks some questions about your experience of accessing health and care services during the Coronavirus/ COVID-19 outbreak as well as some questions about the impact that this has had on the well being of you and your family members. The second part of the survey asks some questions about how you have been able to access information and advice to keep yourself and others safe during this pandemic. The third and final section asks for a few details about you to make sure that we are reaching as many Knowsley residents as possible and to support us to identify any particular groups of people that are/have been particularly affected by this pandemic. We will not be able to identify you from the information you share in this section, it being anonymous.
It should take approximately 6 minutes to complete the survey, depending on the detail of your responses. All responses are anonymous.