Commissioning for compassionate community bereavement services

Feedback survey

We would like to hear your views about our new resources to support commissioners and providers to develop compassionate communities and bereavement services that better meet the needs of local people.

Please complete this brief anonymous survey to feed your thoughts back to us.
1.Please tell us which of the following best describes your role(Required.)
2.How useful have you found our commissioning resources?
3.How do you anticipate using the resources?
4.Please tell us the degree to which you agree with the following statements. The resources will help to...
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
Don't know
...equip commissioners build compassionate communities and commission bereavement services for those that need them.
...increase partnership working between commissioners in different fields to address bereavement. commissioners procure services that are more in line with evidence of need and appropriate approaches.
...inform bereavement service managers about how to influence the commissioning cycle and produce high quality bids
...address known inequities in access to bereavement support
...make bereavement services more sustainable
...embed bereavement into production of Integrated Care Strategies and other strategic documents.
5.Please tell us anything else that is needed to support better commissioning of compassionate community bereavement support.
Thank you for your time. Please click 'done' to submit your answers.