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#EverydaySexism in the NHS
#EverydaySexism in the NHS
This is a questionnaire looking into perceived issues confronted by female doctors in the work place.
Every day in the work place I hear of anecdotal incidences of my female counterparts being disadvantaged due to their gender. I myself could talk about 3 incidences that occurred to me in the past week! However, on searching the literature regarding any evidence of this, I find that there is none.
There are figures detailing pay inequalities, how female workers are more likely to go part time and proportional representation differing in the more traditionally "antisocial specialities" (i.e. A&E) in favour of the more "family-friendly" GP.
What I want to look into is the more day-to-day experiences i.e: being called a nurse, patients and staff automatically assuming the male in the room is the doctor/senior, being passed over for teaching opportunities in favour of male colleagues etc.
The aims for this project would be:
1. Seeing if female doctors experience issues such as the examples above regularly - check that this is a problem for a wider scope of individuals than those I have come into contact with
2. Obtain quantitative data to highlight the issue (if there is proven to be one)
3. Allow female doctors to tell their stories, allowing then to share them and realise they are not alone
4. I mainly want to find if there is an issues underlying gender differences in the NHS as I believe doing so is the first step in solving the problem - as without knowing it's there, how can it be fixed?!
What I would greatly appreciate from yourselves would be for you to complete the below survey to help with data collection. I hope to publish these results and potentially use the platform to start a conversation to find the necessary solutions.
If you have any queries, please feel free to get in touch at:
I will aim to get back to you within 1-2 working days.