Magiki Ladybirds |
How to complete this survey
Dear Customer,
Thank you for visiting the Magiki Ladybirds website.
We are very interested in hearing what you think of Magiki Ladybirds and other products like this that your child would be interested in.
Thank you for visiting the Magiki Ladybirds website.
We are very interested in hearing what you think of Magiki Ladybirds and other products like this that your child would be interested in.
By simply completing and submitting this survey before midnight on the 16th April 2018, and answering the COMPETITION question correctly, you will have the chance to WIN £100 worth of TOYS 'R' US VOUCHERS.
The survey is being conducted by De Agostini UK Ltd. All the information you submit will remain strictly confidential and the answers are analyzed as aggregate data.
Completing the survey is straightforward, please just click on the boxes or buttons to indicate your answer.
Please share your thoughts with us; every bit of feedback really makes a difference!
Please click Next to start the survey.