Thank you for your interest in applying for Natspec corporate membership. If you have any queries about this application form, please email We aim to process your application within 15 working days.
Your organisation

Question Title

* 1. Organisation details

Question Title

* 2. Please provide a brief description of your organisation (max. 250 words)

Question Title

* 3. Please provide a brief description of your target audience (max. 250 words)

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* 4. Please outline how your services and/or products will be beneficial to our members (max. 250 words)

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* 5. Please briefly outline your track record of working within specialist FE (max. 250 words)

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* 6. Please name the Natspec member college(s) who would be prepared to support your application

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* 7. Please provide the name, email address and job title of your main contact at the above member college(s)

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* 8. Please add a PNG/JPEG version of your organisation's logo to be used on the Natspec website

PNG, JPG, JPEG file types only.
Choose File

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* 9. If you already have a promotional video that you would like us to share on the corporate members page, please provide the link here (max.5 minutes)

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* 10. If you have other links you'd like us to share as part of your profile, please add these below (maximum of 5 links - N.B. your website homepage will already be included)

Question Title

* 11. As part of the benefits package, all corporate members have the opportunity to present at a Natspec member network relevant to your products/services. Which network(s) would be most relevant for your organisation (max.3):


Question Title

* 12. Key contacts
Please let us know details for the roles below

Question Title

* 13. As part of the membership package, 2 staff members can sign up to receive the Natspec fortnightly email briefing. We automatically add the Natspec main contact to this list so, if you would like a second person to receive this, please let us know their email address here

Payment information
Natspec corporate membership is priced at £2,000 +VAT per membership year (April 1 to March 31).

Question Title

* 14. On behalf of the above-named organisation, I apply for Natspec corporate membership. In so doing so, the above-named organisation undertakes to support and promote the values of Natspec. I hereby confirm that I have read the Code of Conduct and agree to conduct all business with Natspec and it's members in line with this policy.