A few quick questions...

Question Title

* 1. For approximately how many years have you been working with online communities?

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* 2. What type(s) of community (or communities) are you working with today? (tick all that apply)

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* 3. What platform(s) do you use for your community (or communities) (tick all that apply)

Question Title

* 4. Overall, how helpful or unhelpful do you find FeverBee's resources today?

  Very helpful Somewhat helpful Neither helpful nor unhelpful Somewhat unhelpful Not helpful at all N/A
Community Guides (Strategy, ROI, Superusers, Examples)
Books (Buzzing Communities / The Indispensable Community)
Platform Comparison Tool
Daily Blog Posts (online and via email)
Community Training Courses
Community Accelerator
FeverBee Experts Community

Question Title

* 5. How important to you is it to solve each of the following challenges today?

  Very important Somewhat important Neither important nor unimportant Somewhat unimportant Not important at all
Starting a new community / reaching a critical mass of activity.
Increasing engagement / participation.
Creating a community strategy.
Creating content for a community.
Moderating / removing bad actors.
Training myself / my community team.
Measuring the community.
Optimising / designing the platform we have.
Persuading others / getting internal support.
Initiating and organising popular events.
Deciding what platform to select.
Creating a sense of community.
Recruiting community staff.
Onboarding and retaining newcomers.
Nurturing superusers / MVPs within the community.
Setting up / managing a gamification program.

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* 6. What kind of resources could FeverBee create which would be most helpful to you this month? 

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* 7. Optional question: Have you ever considered getting consultancy support from FeverBee? If not, what's held you back?

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* 8. Is there anything else you would like to tell FeverBee? (all feedback is anonymous)