Sports Diver Knowledge: ST2 - Diver Rescue ST2 - Diver Rescue Question Title * 1. If one diver is in trouble underwater, there will be another diver who can come to their rescue if they are using the ________ system. PADI BSAC DSMB Buddy Buddy check OK Question Title * 2. In what circumstances can buddy checks be omitted? If you have already dived with your buddy today When diving with a regular diving partner When diving with any instructor When diving with a National Instructor Never OK Question Title * 3. Which of the following pre-dive behaviours might indicate a potential problem with your buddy? Please select all that apply. Nervousness or reluctance about the dive Laughing and joking Multiple excuses and questions Packing a goody bag Slow kitting up, hesitation, and constant fiddling Becoming breathless or sweating,when kitting-up OK Question Title * 4. What should you do if your buddy shows signs of being unhappy about the dive? Adapt the dive plan Reassure them Abort the dive Use peer pressure to persuade them to dive Choose a different dive site OK Question Title * 5. Which of the following behaviours during a dive are signs of a problem developing with your buddy? Please select all that apply. Kicking up lots of silt Becoming pre-occupied with kit Slow response to signals Eyes begin to widen or stare Ignores you and fins off on his own Breathing rate increases Pre-occupied with camera Stopping for no apparent reason OK Question Title * 6. Taking action at an early stage when your buddy appears to have a problem underwater can avoid a deterioration into _______? Argument Decompression stops Confusion Panic Wasted dive time OK Question Title * 7. If you suspect that your buddy has a problem underwater your first action should be to _______? Abort the dive Give a distress signal Give an OK signal Move away Stop and move close OK Question Title * 8. Where can the Basic Life Support sequence be carried out? Please select all that apply. At depth as soon as an emergency happens On the ascent as the injured diver is brought to the surface On the surface before a tow is started On the surface while a tow is underway On land after recovery from the water On a boat after recovery from the water When the casualty is breathing normally and is in the recovery position OK Question Title * 9. If you have performed a rescue ascent with a casualty, what should your first action be on reaching the surface? Summon help Ensure the casualty is buoyant at the surface Remove mouthpiece and mask, and extend airway Remove mouthpiece and mask, and give one minute of RBs Commence towing to the shore OK Question Title * 10. Where is the easiest place to remove a casualty's equipment when landing at the shore? With rescuer and casualty floating in deep water In standing depth In shallow water with the casualty aground On dry land OK Question Title * 11. How may the occupants of the dive boat assist in the rescue of a diver? Please select one answer. Take the boat to the casualty Help with the removal of equipment and lifting the casualtyfrom the water without further RB Continue first aid Perform BLS All of the above OK Question Title * 12. Which of the following help to clear the airway? Please select all that apply. Remove foreign objects from mouth Nod the chin onto the chest Remove the hood, if tight around the neck Tip head back to give a neck extension Rescuer place hand under neck and squeeze gently Check tongue is well forward in mouth OK Question Title * 13. The recovery position is used for a casualty who is ______ and breathing? Alert Distressed Recovered Stable Unconscious OK Question Title * 14. What symptoms should you use to diagnose that the casualty has had a cardiac arrest, and therefore requires Rescue Breaths (RBs) and Chest Compressions (CCs)? No pulse No chest movement, blue lips Unconscious Unresponsive and not breathing normally All of the above OK Question Title * 15. What is the approximate number of RBs you should deliver per minute when giving them in water life support? 2 10 15 30 100 OK Question Title * 16. What is the approximate rate at which you should give CCs, in compressions per minute? 2-4 10-12 15-20 30-50 100-120 OK Question Title * 17. Which of the following should you use to monitor the effectiveness of RBs? Please select one answer only. Rise and fall of chest Resistance of lungs to inflation Sound of casualty's exhalations Changes in colour of complexion All of the above OK Question Title * 18. If you are alone with a buddy who is unresponsive and not breathing normally, what should be your first action after landing the casualty? Give 10 RBs Commence CCs Send or go for help Reassure the casualty Clear the airway OK DONE