PSS Annual Survey 2019

We want to get feedback from you so that we can check in on how we are doing and what we could do better. Thank you to those who have helped design this year's survey.

Question Title

* 2. How happy are you with the following..

  Very happy Happy Unhappy Very unhappy
The people who work for PSS
The amount of information you are given about your role as a Shared Lives Carer
The amount of choice and input you have into your role
How fairly you are treated by PSS
How PSS keep your information safe
The amount of support and guidance you receive from PSS. 
The training you have received for your role
Your overall experience as a shared Lives Carer

Question Title

* 3. In your role as a Shared Lives Carer, what areas do you feel you've helped make a positive difference in, in relation to the life of the people you are supporting...?

  No difference Positive difference N/A
Their life at home
Their Health and wellbeing
Their social life and the amount of time they enjoy with other people
Their ability to make their own choices and decisions
The activities they take part in
Their safety and security

Question Title

* 4. Is there anything else (good or bad) you want to tell us about PSS? Is there anything else we could do better for you?

Question Title

* 5. Would you recommend / tell other people about PSS?

Question Title

* 6. How did you get to know about PSS?

Question Title

* 7. What best describes your gender?

Question Title

* 8. Age

Question Title

* 9. Ethnicity

Question Title

* 10. Do you consider yourself to have a disability?