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As we approach a post-Brexit world, urgent action is required to address the UK's productivity problem. We need to start leveraging the full potential of emerging technologies to rethink ‘the way things are done around here’, breaking free from the limits imposed by outdated systems and outdated thinking. 
On October 30th, I will be facilitating a Change Leaders Forum, with Bridgeall and Microsoft, discussing the challenges facing public and private sector organisations in building Modern Intelligent Workplaces - leveraging technology to streamline internal systems and processes, improve efficiency and reduce costs; becoming an agile, fast-moving, collaborative, data-driven, productive organisation, ‘fit-for-purpose’ in a digital age.
In order to assess the progress being made in this area, we are conducting a short pre-forum survey which we would be very grateful if you could complete.
Results from the survey will be published as a White Paper - "Improving Productivity through Building Modern Intelligent Workplaces” - made available to all survey participants.

The survey will only take a few minutes to complete with all responses being treated in the strictest confidence.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
PS: If you would like to receive a copy of the White Paper, please ensure that you complete the final question in the survey.

Dr Jim Hamill

Question Title

* 1. What type of organisation do you represent?

Question Title

* 2. Number of employees.

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* 3. Job title of respondent.

Question Title

* 4. To what extent has the Modern Intelligent Workplace become a strategic priority for your organisation?

Question Title

* 5. To what extent do you disagree/agree with the following statements?
(1. Strongly Disagree; 5. Strongly Agree)

  1. Strongly Disagree 5. Strongly Agree
Our organisation is too hierarchical, bureaucratic and controlling
Excessive use of e-mail is a major productivity buster in our organisation
We make very effective use of enterprise social technologies to emhance internal communications and knowledge sharing
There is a very high level of employee engagement/motivation in our organisation
Decision-making in our organisation is based on analytics rather than 'hunch'
We have regular access to workplace analytics
Do you hear the following much? "The system won't allow us to do that"
Digital natives would find our organisation an attractive place to work

Question Title

* 6. List the main operational barriers in your organisation (frustrations, bottlenecks, inefficiencies, productivity blockers).

Question Title

* 7. What scope for improvement exists in your organisation's use of technology to.....?
(1. Very Low; 5. Very High)

  1. Very Low Scope for Improvement 5. Very High Scope for Improvement
Enhance the customer experience
Digitise key business processes
Support staff engagement, building a more collaborative, agile workplace
Derive actionable insights from data
Your use of emerging technologies such as AI, automation, IoT, the blockchain etc

Question Title

* 8. Does your company have an agreed strategy for building a Modern Intelligent Workplace strategy?

Question Title

* 9. List the main barriers and obstacles to transformational change within your organisation.

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* 10. Does your organisation have an agreed implementation plan to overcome these barriers?

Question Title

* 11. To what extent do you disagree/agree with the following statements?
(1. Strongly Disagree; 5. Strongly Agree)

  1. Strongly Disagree 2. Strongly Agree
Our organisation has a digital skills problem
Our organisation has a transformation leadership problem
Digital is strongly represented at Board of Director level in our organisation

Question Title

* 12. Please feel free to add any additional comments you would like to make.

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* 13. Yes I would like to receive a copy of the report "Improving Productivity through Building Modern Intelligent Workplaces”

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