The National Strategy for Autistic Children, Young People, and Adults 2021-2026 outlined 6 main areas which would help make life better for autistic people:
  • Improve understanding and acceptance of autism in society
  • Improve autistic children, young peoples access to education, and supporting positive transition to adulthood
  • Supporting more autistic people into employment 
  • Tackling health & care inequalities 
  • Building the right support in the community and supporting people in inpatient care
  • Improving support within the criminal justice and youth justice system
A localised Northumberland Autism Strategy is to be written; Helen Bowyer (Northumberland, Clinical Commissioning Group) is responsible for this. The Northumberland Autism Partnership Board has started to think about this too. They used a set of questions at a recent meeting to start gathering ideas, understanding, experience etc. to guide what goes into the strategy.

Inclusion North are helping to gather the voice of autistic people and their families to feed into the strategy. Please answer the following questions, share your thoughts, ideas and experience to help shape the development of the Northumberland Autism strategy.

Please note the examples given within the questions have come from the thinking done at the Autism Partnership Board Meeting and are there to help prompt not limit your thinking. Please use the ‘other’ option to tell us more about your views.

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* 1. If Northumberland was to be the best place for autistic children, young people & adults to live and work what 3 things would it need to have? For example,

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* 2. What 3 things do you think need to improve for autistic children, young people, and adults to live a good life in Northumberland? For example,

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* 3. Does the geography of Northumberland pose any particular challenges to autistic children, young people & adults? For example:

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* 4. What support, services, systems are working well in Northumberland for autistic children, young people & adults? For example, the offer from:

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* 5. Do you know of support, services, good practice elsewhere in the country that Northumberland should learn from and/or develop?

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* 6. What 3 points do you want to ensure are thought about within the Autism Strategy for Northumberland?