1. What do you think of the neighbourhood plan?

The draft Ongar Neighbourhood Plan has been informed by and responds to comments made during earlier consultation events since 2017.  We are now seeking your views on the draft Neighbourhood Plan; all of which will be reviewed when preparing the final version. You will see a series of policies and you will be asked if you agree, or disagree with each one. If you disagree, there is a space for you to explain why not. When you are answering these questions think about the longer term, and try not to be too influenced by any specific developments or proposals that are happening today. 
Before you complete this response form please do take the time to familiarise yourself with the draft Plan.  This is available online via the Neighbourhood Planning page of the Ongar Town Council website so you can have it open in a separate tab in your browser if you need to refer back to it.

Getting your view is very important if the town is to develop in the way that you want, so take your time and thank you for your help.

First, we would like to know a bit about you to see if we have a good cross-section of the population with everyone having their say. We will not use the identifying information for any other purpose, nor will we share with other people. For more information see our privacy policy.

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* 1. Where in Ongar do you live? (please tick)

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* 2. What is your postcode? (optional)

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* 3. what is your email address? (optional)

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* 4. Are you responding as an individual, or an organisation?

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* 5. What is your age?

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* 6. How long have you lived in Ongar

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* 7. What is your work-related status?

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* 8. If you are in employment, do you work in Ongar?

A summary of all comments will be made publicly available. Please note that any other personal information provided will be confidential and processed in line with the Data Protection Act 1988 and General Data Protection Regulations. Ongar Town Council will process your details in relation to the preparation of this document only.

As part of the consultation and in line with the new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) please confirm that you are happy for Ongar Town Council to pass on your postcode, email address and responses to Epping Forest District Council so that they can contact you at the Regulation 16 consultation and examination stages if required.

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* 9. Do we have your consent to store this information

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* 10. If you are a business or statutory consultee, what organisation are you representing?

Neighbourhood planning enables communities to play a much stronger role in shaping the areas in which they live and work and in supporting new development proposals. This is because, unlike the parish, village or town plans that communities may have prepared, a neighbourhood plan forms part of the development plan and sits alongside the Local Plan.

The next important stage of the plan’s development (known as Regulation 14) is important, to formally consult with you, the community, this allows you to make any final comments and suggestions about the plan and its policies. So now, let's move on to the questions...…..

6% of survey complete.