Budget Conversation 2023/24 |
We all have our own ideas about what Councils do for their communities. For some it’s providing education and child care. For others it’s collecting the bins and fixing the roads. The reality is much bigger and broader than that.
Every year the Council’s challenge is to set a budget that ensures that services are funded and deliver what’s important to you. But our budgets get tighter every year, while demands for services increase.
Which is why we need to know what’s important to you.
Tell us what you value, and what you think the Council should prioritise.
These are your services and they should be shaped by your values and priorities, so we need you to join the conversation.
Our survey below asks you to tell us what you care about, where we can make savings and where we can make changes.
Will you be a part of our 2023-24 Budget Conversation?