Ensuring the apprenticeship offer meets the needs of industry

UKFT is conducting a review into the apprenticeship frameworks in Wales, as the current model needs to be aligned to the specific needs of the industry and the relevant government strategy. These frameworks cover training across a wide range of job roles across the industry, from sewing machinists and garment technologists to materials cutters, textile operatives and technicians.

UKFT will be working with employers and stakeholders to carry out the review, which covers technical skills, delivery and support.

Here we have four broad areas we need to cover, which are outlined here. The deadline for responses is 12th January 2022.

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* 1. Are you a...

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* 2. Organisation Name

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* 3. Contact name

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* 4. Job title

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* 5. Email address

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* 6. Have you heard of the Fashion & Textiles L2/L3 Apprenticeship Framework available in Wales?

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* 7. If yes, have you accessed the training to date?

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* 8. Which pathway did you use (textiles or apparel) and for what job roles? 

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* 9. Were there any barriers in accessing the training?

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* 10. Now you are aware, would you seek to access to train in the near future?

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* 11. Which pathway did you use (textile or apparel) and for what job role? 

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* 12. Do we have all the relevant job roles covered?

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* 13. Do the job descriptions need updating? (You can find the job roles descriptions here)

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* 14. Does the purpose (on page 6 of the Framework download found here) of the framework reflect the skills need/demand in Wales?

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* 15. Do you agree with the text set for Entry Requirements (found on page 8 of the Framework download found here?)

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* 16. Do you agree that these job roles meet the demand for the Welsh fashion and textiles manufacturing sector?

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* 17. Please refer to page 15 of the Framework download here. In all UK-wide fashion & textiles apprenticeship frameworks ICT (Digital Literacy) is an optional offer and to date has not been included within the Welsh framework. The rationale for this is that many manufacturing roles do not need traditional ICT skills and if I.T is used it will be on specialist vendor machinery. Do you agree that this is still the case?

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* 18. Please refer to the Wider Key Skills Assessment and Recognition section on page 62 of the Framework download here. This is not currently a mandatory requirement, but they are covered within the core qualification outputs. Are you happy with this approach in the revised framework?

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* 19. Is there demand for the updated Fashion & Textiles apprenticeship frameworks to be translated into Welsh?

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* 20. Duration – The minimum duration for training is typically 12 months in Level 2 and 24 months in Level 3, which is standardised across the UK. Do you still agree with this timeframe?

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* 21. Would a new combined structure for the qualification work in Wales? Please read more details on the example used in Scotland here

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* 22. Thank you for your time. If you have any comments to add please use the space below