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Information About the Survey

About the Survey
Thank you for taking part in our survey to find out how veterans see themselves represented in British television programmes. The survey will take about 10-15 minutes. By taking part you agree for your answers to be used in our research, but please be assured that all answers are anonymous and your participation in the survey is confidential.

What is the aim of this study?
The aim of this study is for the project team to gain a better sense of how veterans see themselves represented in a range of British television programmes (including, but not limited to, drama, documentary, reality talent shows, and sports coverage). It will provide veterans with an opportunity to have their say on how programmes portray veterans. The wider project will also provide the opportunity for veterans to create their own alternative representations. Ultimately, the findings of the project will help the research team to advise media organisations on their policies regarding veterans, ensuring fair representation and inclusivity.

Who can take part?
We warmly invite veteran participants from all branches of the British military and those based in the UK (including, for example, USAF forces). You do not need to be a British citizen, but the focus of the project is on representations in British television programmes (rather than international imports such as Homeland).
In the UK a military veteran is defined as anyone who has drawn one day’s pay from the Armed Forces. This means all personnel, male or female, who have served for one day or more, in any occupation in the Royal Air Force, Royal Navy, or the Army, including Reservists and National Service personnel, and the Merchant Navy if involved in a conflict. A veteran is therefore not defined by the length, nature of their service, or when they left. They also remain veterans even if discharged from the forces for a serious or criminal breach of the 1955 Army Act.[1]

What do I have to do?
You will be asked to complete an online questionnaire via Survey Monkey. You will be taken straight through to the questionnaire from this link once you have agreed to participate in the study by completing the consent form section.

Before you begin, please follow this link where you will find the full participant information about the study: Full Participant Info Sheet. Please have a read and then tick the box at the end of this page to confirm you are happy to proceed to the consent page. After you have completed the consent form page, the questionnaire will begin.

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* 1. Have you read and understood the participant information sheet?

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* 2. Consent Form – Pilot Study Survey
Please read the following points and tick the box at the end of the statement to confirm you are happy with the consent form and you do not have any questions or concerns about the study. 

1.     I wish to take part in this online study.
2.     I am aware that the findings from my questionnaire will be kept confidential under the current GDPR regulations.
3.     I have read the participant information section above and do not have any questions.
4.     I have had the chance to ask any questions in relation to the study and do not have any other queries.
5.     All the information that I am providing is entirely voluntary and I am aware that I can withdraw my consent for the data use prior to submitting my results at the end of the questionnaire.
6.     I am aware that once I have submitted my data at the end of the questionnaire, I cannot withdraw my data.

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* 4. Please indicate your gender identity.

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* 5. How would you best describe your ethnicity?

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* 6. Which branch of the military were you in (or prefer not to say)?

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* 7. Have you seen veterans being represented on British television? If yes, which programmes spring to mind?

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* 8. As a general observation, how positively or negatively did each of these shows represent those veterans?

In the 'other' comment box for each programme, please include the name of the television show (essential) and any comments to explain your choice if you would like to.

  Very negatively Negatively Neither negatively or positively Positively Very positively Mix of positive and negative
Programme 1
Programme 2
Programme 3
Programme 4
Programme 5
Programme 6

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* 9. Have you seen programmes in which you believe the broadcaster intended a positive representation, but you felt the result was a negative portrayal? If yes, please give examples.

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* 10. Have you seen many representations of disabled veterans or those suffering with post-traumatic stress disorder (or other mental health issues)? If so, which shows and how were they represented?

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* 11. Are there any particular words/terms/phrases used to describe veterans in the shows you’ve seen that stood out for you? Please include the phrases used in each programme you’ve mentioned if possible. (Please include what you can remember, even if it is not the exact phrasing. We can always check the programmes mentioned for the exact wording!)

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* 12. Did any of the shows featuring veterans refer to ideas about strength, masculinity, or “overcoming” at all? If yes, which ones?

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* 13. Were any of the veterans you’ve seen in these shows women and do you think being female affected how they were portrayed? If so, how?

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* 14. Were any of the veterans from Black or minority ethnic groups and did you feel this impacted on the way in which they were portrayed? If so, how?

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* 15. Are there any ways in which television producers could improve the representation of veterans on television? If yes, how might they do this?

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* 16. Is there any particular aspect of how veterans are represented in British television programmes that you think the full version of this project should examine and why?

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* 17. Would you be interested in hearing more about opportunities for further involvement in this project?

If so, please tick all of the ways that you would be happy to participate and fill in your preferred e-mail address in the comments box below. Or feel free to get in touch through our “Contact Us” page:

Please note, we will send you details of opportunities to take part in future surveys, focus groups, and events, but there is no obligation take part in future research if you choose not to at a later date.

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* 18. If you know of any friends or family who might be interested in taking part in the project, please do direct them towards our project website.

If you have any questions or comments about the survey or the wider project, please e-mail Jenna Pitchford-Hyde ( More details can also be found on the Veterans and the Media Project website at

If you have any further feedback on the survey or the wider project which you would like to share with us at this point, please feel free to use the comments box below.

Thank you for taking the time to fill in our survey!

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