
This is our regular survey looking at women’s experiences of miscarriage care in the UK. 

The Mumsnet Miscarriage Care campaign has run since 2010 and its aims are to ensure that all miscarrying women, and all women experiencing other forms of pregnancy loss, get the good, respectful, empathetic care that they need. 

Although our campaign is principally about miscarriage care, many aspects also apply to other forms of pregnancy loss, such as ectopic pregnancies that are ended by medical treatment, or stillbirths. Women who have experienced these since September 2018 are very welcome to fill in the survey. Apologies in advance if some of the questions aren’t appropriate to your situation, but there should always be an option for you to say that something isn’t applicable to you.

Because the aim of the survey is partly to compare results with previous surveys and see what (if any) changes there have been, we’re asking only women in the UK who have experienced pregnancy loss since September 2018 to fill this one in.

We know that pregnancy loss can be a difficult thing to talk about, so thank you in advance for sharing your experiences in the survey. We’ll use the results to inform and update the campaign.

A note about language: we’ve tried to be as sensitive as possible in choosing our words here. We hope we’ve made the right choices, but please do give us your feedback if you think something isn’t right.



Question Title

* 1. How many episodes of pregnancy loss have you experienced in total (including prior to September 2018)?

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* 2. Thinking about your most recent episode of pregnancy loss: which of these best describes it?

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* 3. How many weeks pregnant were you when you lost your pregnancy? (Throughout this survey, if you have experienced more than one pregnancy loss since September 2018, please answer for your most recent experience.)

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* 4. Who among the following, if anyone, did you talk to about your pregnancy loss? Please select all that apply.
(If you have experienced more than one pregnancy loss since September 2018, please answer for your most recent experience.)

Question Title

* 5. Were healthcare professionals aware of your pregnancy loss at any stage or did you deal with it without informing any medical staff?
(If you have experienced more than one pregnancy loss since September 2018, please answer for your most recent experience.)

Question Title

* 6. If you were treated in hospital for your pregnancy loss, did any of the following happen to you?

  Yes this happened to me  No this did not happen to me Don't know N/A I'd prefer not to say
You waited for a scan to confirm your pregnancy loss alongside women with ongoing pregnancies
On leaving a scan that confirmed your pregnancy loss, you walked through or waited in a room alongside women with ongoing pregnancies
You were placed on an ordinary prenatal or postnatal ward
You were placed on a ward with women having procedures to terminate unwanted pregnancies
You had access to a dedicated early pregnancy unit

Question Title

* 7. If you were referred for an initial scan to assess the situation, how long did you have to wait for the scan to take place?

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* 8. If you were referred for surgical management of miscarriage (previously known as ‘evacuation of retained products of conception', or ERPC), how many days did you wait between your diagnosis and the surgical procedure?

Question Title

* 9. If you miscarried or lost your pregnancy in hospital, how would you describe the information you were given about what would happen to the remains?

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* 10. If you miscarried at home following medical attention (expectant management), do you feel you were given good, clear information about how painful the experience might be?

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* 11. If you miscarried at home following medical attention (expectant management) did you feel you were given adequate pain relief medication? 

Question Title

* 12. If you miscarried at home following medical attention (expectant management), do you feel you were given good, clear information about what the overall experience might be like, and how best to look after yourself or prepare others to look after you?

Question Title

* 13. After your miscarriage or other form of pregnancy loss (whether at home or in hospital), were you contacted by anyone related to your medical care who seemed unaware that you had lost the pregnancy? If so, by whom?

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* 14. If you were unhappy with the care you received from any healthcare professional or service, did you make any complaint afterwards?

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* 15. And if you were unhappy, but did not make a complaint, why not? Please tick all that apply.

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* 16. Was there anything about your care you were particularly happy or unhappy about? If so, please tell us about it if you’re comfortable doing so

Question Title

* 17. Were you...

  Yes No Don't know Not applicable
Were you offered follow-up medical care with a midwife?
Were you offered follow-up medical care with a nurse?
Were you offered follow-up medical care with a GP?
Were you offered follow-up medical care with an obstetrician?
Were you offered any other follow-up medical care?
Were you offered counselling by a hospital?
Were you offered counselling by a GP or midwife?
Did you feel the need for follow-up medical care (such as an appointment with a GP or at a hospital clinic)?
Did you feel you could benefit from one or more counselling sessions?
Did you pro-actively seek follow-up medical care?
Did you pro-actively seek counselling?
Did you pro-actively seek privately-paid counselling?

Question Title

* 18. For each of the following NHS healthcare professionals who may have been involved in your treatment for miscarriage or pregnancy loss, please rate them for how empathetic and compassionate they were, where '5' is excellent and '1' is awful

  1 (Awful) 2 3 4 5 (Excellent) N/A
GP receptionist
Hospital receptionist
Community midwife
Hospital midwife
Hospital consultant
Hospital nurse
Hospital chaplain

Question Title

* 19. Throughout your miscarriage or pregnancy loss, how would you rate the information you were given by NHS healthcare staff?

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* 20. If you sought or received medical attention from the NHS, how would you rate your overall care?

Question Title

* 21. For each of the following sources of support for women who are miscarrying or experiencing pregnancy loss, please rate them for how sympathetic and compassionate they were.

  Very supportive Quite supportive Neither supportive nor unsupportive Quite unsupportive Very unsupportive Don't know N/A
Medical staff in hospital
Medical staff in the community
Other internet sites
Specialist miscarriage, pregnancy loss or stillbirth organisations
Bereavement support organisations
Your employer (if applicable)
Your work colleagues (if applicable)

Question Title

* 22. If you do any kind of paid work, did you take time off from work while undergoing your miscarriage or pregnancy loss?

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* 23. If you are in paid employment, which of the following statements best sums up your experience?

Question Title

* 24. Some MPs are currently campaigning to introduce a statutory right to leave from work for women who experience pregnancy loss prior to 24 weeks, paid at the same level as statutory maternity pay. This would enable them to take a few days off work, as a right. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this proposal?

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* 25. What one thing, if any, would have improved your experience?

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* 26. How old are you? 

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* 27. Where do you live (at present)? 

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* 28. How many children do you have in your family/household (of any age)?