ADA would like to thank you for your continued support throughout 2016. We have put together a questionnaire for you, our members, to review our performance. We would like to give you the opportunity to give us your feedback and help us improve our organisation in 2017. Please take a few minutes to complete the short questionnaire in order to gain more from your membership.

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* 1. Please tell us what type of ADA member you are

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* 2. Is ADA focusing its attentions on matters that are important to you?

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* 3. Is ADA helping you to manage or understand drainage, water level or flood risk matters better?

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* 4. Are the events that ADA organises of the correct quantity, quality and content?

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* 5. Do you get a timely and courteous response when you contact the ADA team?

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* 6. Are ADA's publications and communications to your satisfaction?

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* 7. Does the content on the ADA website help your organisation to run more effectively?

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* 8. Does ADA material help you to engage effectively with your clients, communities, ratepayers and other stakeholders?

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* 9. What else do you think ADA could do to help you and your activities? Please include any actions that you think ADA should include in our next business plan.

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* 10. Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire. Please add any general comments that you would like to make about how we could improve the membership service ADA provides to you.