
Thank you for taking the time to complete this User Satisfaction Survey.  Your responses will help us to improve the quality of the services we provide. The Education & Children's Services Department provides a wide range of services to the people of the Outer Hebrides.  The services provided fall under the following headings.
Additional Support for Learning Services provides support to children in schools with additional support needs.

Adoption and Fostering Services: undertakes recruitment for adoption and fostering; provides post-adoption support; supports families who are fostering.

Social Work Children and Families Services provides: services for children who are looked after and accommodated; family support services; services for children affected by disabilities; throughcare and aftercare services for young people who were previously looked after; youth justice services and services aimed at reducing offending.

Early Years Services leads on: pre-school Childcare provision; 2-5 years nursery provision and family support.

Psychological Services provides: specialist assessments of need; advice regarding children experiencing barriers to learning; direct support to children and young people with additional needs and/or challenging behaviour.

Extended Learning Services provide support to schools and children’s services in areas of vocational education, additional support needs and 16+ learning choices.

Youth Work Services offers young people experiences that facilitate development of skills for learning, life and work.

Community Work Services supports communities to become stronger, more resilient, supportive, influential and inclusive. 

Adult Learning and Employability Services provide adult learning opportunities and employability programmes.

School and Pre-school: provide education, learning and teaching support for all children from birth-3 and 3-19.

Sport and Health Services operates the Comhairle's sports facilities, supports sports development and outdoor learning.
Catering provides a catering function for the Education and Children’s Services Department in relation to schools and other services.