Noak Bridge Neighbourhood Plan Survey - April 2023

Why do we need this survey?

A Neighbourhood Plan is currently being prepared by the Noak Bridge Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group on behalf of Noak Bridge Parish Council.
You have previously given us feedback on a number of different issues. We have taken your comments and the background work prepared by our independent consultants Bluestone Planning and prepared the following:
  • A draft vision for our Parish;
  • A set of objectives divided into the themes (reflecting the themes identified as being important to you); and
  • Potential options for policies within each theme and a recommended policy for each topic.

The full documents are available on the Parish website. Please take a look before answering the questions below.
Please note that policy wording will be subject to change, particularly once we have your feedback, but it currently gives an idea of the issues covered.

Information gathering is fundamental to the development of the Plan and our objective is to secure wide community input into shaping the future development of Noak Bridge. 

If you have any questions at all please contact Bluestone Planning on 01235 766 825.

 This survey will close for responses on 26th May 2023
1.The proposed Vision for the Neighbourhood Plan is set out below.
Do you agree with this Vision?

“To preserve and enhance the special character and appearance of Noak Bridge Parish, maintaining the openness of the Green Belt whilst protecting important views, the natural environment and green spaces throughout the Plan area.  New development will meet the needs of the local community in delivering a mix of sustainable low energy and low carbon, good quality appropriate housing as well as improving existing community, health, education and retail facilities.  Highway safety, public transport and parking provision will be improved”
We are proposing five different themes each with their own set of objectives.

Housing Objectives
  • To ensure that future developments are appropriate to the needs of the Plan Area (H1)
  • To identify the housing needs of the local community (H2)
  • To promote specialist housing (older persons) in order to support all members of the community (H3)
  • To encourage developments that incorporate affordable housing which meets the needs of the local community (H4)
2.Do you agree that the above housing objectives are appropriate?
Environment and Green Space Objectives 
  • To conserve and enhance the rural landscape and character of the Plan Area and support appropriate planting that is representative of the local area (EGS1)
  • To identify, designate and protect important views and local green spaces in the Plan Area (EGS2)
  • To conserve and enhance the natural environment by reducing noise, water, air and traffic pollution (EGS3)
  • To protect and enhance the Noak Bridge Nature Reserve (EGS4)
  • To maintain the openness of the Green Belt that surrounds the settlement of Noak Bridge (EGS5)
  • To conserve and enhance the natural environment/biodiversity of the Plan Area, e.g. wildlife habitats, ecological corridors, etc and ensure that all development results in a biodiversity net gain for the Plan Area (EGS6)
  • To conserve and enhance the natural environment by managing flood risk and by assessing the environmental impact of any new development(EGS7)
3.Do you agree that the above environment objectives are appropriate?
Design and Conservation Objectives
  • To conserve the distinctive look and style of the village of Noak Bridge (DC1)
  • To preserve and enhance the Noak Bridge conservation area and other designated and non-designated heritage assets in the Plan Area (DC2)
  • To protect the unique design aspects of Noak Bridge Village (DC3)
  • To enhance and preserve the peaceful and pleasant nature of the Plan Area as a place to live (DC4)
  • To support the use of sustainable construction techniques and materials as well as promoting energy conservation and supply from renewable sources (DC5)
4.Do you agree that the above design objectives are appropriate?
Education, Health and Other Local Services Objectives
  • To improve existing health facilities to meet the local community’s needs (EHS1)
  • To protect and improve the condition of the Plan Area’s existing parks and open spaces (EHS2)
  • To seek improvements to the local retail offer in the Plan Area (EHS3)
  • To ensure that Primary Schooling is kept local to meet the needs of the local community over the Plan Period (EHS4)
  • Developments must avoid any expansion pressure on the existing school and ensure that development provides any necessary additional educational facilities independent of the existing primary school (EHS5)
  • To protect existing community facilities (EHS6)
5.Do you agree that the above education, health and services objectives are appropriate?
Transport and Roads Theme Objectives
  • To improve highway safety, including ensuring that traffic volumes and speeds are managed on all new and existing roads in the Plan Area (TR1)
  • To improve the safety of the local community on the roads in the Plan Area (TR2)
  • To mitigate the impact of new development on local transport networks (TR3)
  • To seek improvements to the provision of public transport (TR4)
  • To seek improvements in the availability of vehicle parking spaces in the Plan Area (TR5)
6.Do you agree that the above transport objectives are appropriate?
The Policies have been developed from the Policy Options, Themes and Objectives. The Policy Options set out various different approaches that could be taken to address particular issues.  We have tried to identify the main areas of concern and present them in the draft Policies.

For each theme and set of policies, please take a look and see if you agree with the broad direction / wording of the draft Policies or do you think other approaches should be taken? 
If so, what should be changed in order to address particular issues, and how should the draft policies be updated / replaced etc?  Please let us have your suggestions below.
7.Housing Theme - this theme includes policies covering:
  • Extensions to Existing Dwellings;
  • Replacement Dwellings;
  • Infill and Redevelopment to Provide New Housing; and
  • Housing Mix / Different Housing Types (where a proposal is for ten or more dwellings).
Do you agree with the policy wording as chosen for each or would you rather see some changes?

Please don't forget to take a look at the different options already considered prior to the recommended policy wording.
8.Environment and Green Space Theme - this theme includes policies covering:
  • Green Belt;
  • Landscape Character;
  • Biodiversity;
  • Noak Bridge Nature Reserve;
  • Green and Blue Infrastructure, Landscaping and Planting;
  • Local Green Spaces;
  • Important Views; and
  • Flooding and Drainage.
Do you agree with the policy wording as chosen for each or would you rather see some changes?

Please don't forget to take a look at the different options already considered prior to the recommended policy wording.
9.Design and Conservation Theme - this theme includes policies covering:
  • Sustainable Development;
  • Air Quality;
  • Special Character Areas;
  • Design Principles;
  • Non Designated and Designated Heritage Assets (including the Conservation Area);
  • Re-use of Rural Buildings;
  • Dark Night Skies; and
  • Rural Economy.
Do you agree with the policy wording as chosen for each or would you rather see some changes?

Please don't forget to take a look at the different options already considered prior to the recommended policy wording.
10.Education, Health and Other Local Services Theme - this theme includes policies covering:
  • Noak Bridge Primary School;
  • Health Facilities;
  • Community Facilities; and
  • Funding New Facilities / Infrastructure.
Do you agree with the policy wording as chosen for each or would you rather see some changes?

Please don't forget to take a look at the different options already considered prior to the recommended policy wording.
11.Transport and Roads Theme - this theme includes policies covering:
  • Highways, Safety and Sustainable Travel; and
  • Parking.
Do you agree with the policy wording as chosen for each or would you rather see some changes?

Please don't forget to take a look at the different options already considered prior to the recommended policy wording.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire. Your input will be treated in confidence and your anonymity will be preserved.

Confidentiality and Data Protection Statement:
The information you provide will be treated in the strictest confidence and the answers to these questions will be anonymised. It will only be used for the purposes of the Noak Bridge Neighbourhood Plan and will not be passed on to anyone else.
A summary of responses to the survey will be made public but personal information will be removed from all published material and the original forms will be destroyed in accordance with GDPR requirements once the data has been collated and anonymised.
Current Progress,
0 of 11 answered