Nottingham Year 7 Transition Survey 2023/2024

1.Which secondary school are you at?
2.Which primary school did you attend?
3.What has been the best thing about starting secondary school? (Please tick all that apply)
4.What has been the most challenging thing about starting secondary school? (Please tick all that apply)
5.What transition activity did you take part in to support your move to secondary? (tick all that apply)
6.How confident do you feel in the below subjects in year 7 compared to Year 6?
Not at all confident 
Sometimes confident 
Most of the time I'm confident
I always feel confident 
I don't study this subject
Foreign Langauges (i.e Spanish, French, German)  
Religious Studies
Food Studies 
7.How confident do you feel in the below skills?
Not at all confident 
Sometimes confident 
Most of the time I'm confident
Always confident 
Speaking and listening
8.How much do you enjoy reading?
Not at all 
Most of the time 
9.What do you find challenging about reading? (tick all that apply)
10.What do you find challenging about writing? (tick all that apply)
11.How can secondary school support your development with reading and writing this year? (tick all that apply)
12.What is the most important information we should be giving to Year 6 pupils about starting secondary school? (Please tick all that apply)
13.Was there anything you wish you had been told before starting secondary school? (Please tick all that apply)
14.Was there anything you were worried about that turned out not to be a problem? (Please tick all that apply)
15.Who did you have the most useful conversations with about starting secondary school? (Please tick all that apply)
16.Is there anybody else you wish you could have talked to? (Please tick all that apply)
17.How safe do you feel in school?
Not very safe 
Very safe 
Level of safety
18.When looking on your new school's website, how useful did you find the information to support you in feeling prepared to join this year?
Not at all useful 
Quite useful 
Very useful
I didnt look at the website 
School website 
19.How useful do you find the pastoral support at your secondary school?
Current Progress,
0 of 19 answered