Market Research / Demand Questionnaire

Dynamic Training are undertaking a market research and demand exercise to identify potential interest and uptake of the Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training. 

Dynamic Training will be offering this provision from September 2023 and are in need of identifying interest to ensure that we are effectively resourced (trainers with lived experience) in preparation for any demand. 

The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism reflects the learning outcomes set out in “Right to be Heard” (DHSC, 2019) and capabilities 1-4 in the Core Capabilities Framework for Supporting People with a Learning Disability and the Core Capabilities Framework for supporting Autistic people.
The Health and Care Act 2022 introduced a requirement that regulated service providers must ensure their staff receive learning disability and autism training appropriate to their role.
The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism is the standardised training that was developed for this purpose and is the government's preferred and recommended training for health and social care staff.   Link to the video can be found here.
We would really appreciate your support by completing this short questionnaire to understand interest and timescales in the provision. 

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* 1. Are you looking for a training provider to deliver The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training Tier 2

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* 2. If no - could you please state the reason ?

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* 3. -        If yes could you please indicate approx. numbers of staff that require the training?

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* 4. Would you prefer the training to be delivered onsite or at a sourced venue by the provider?

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* 5. This training is co-delivered by experts with lived experience - Do you have networks in place for co-delivery that are already trained or require training or would you prefer the provider to source individuals and train them to co-deliver.

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* 6. When are you looking to start delivering Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism Tier 2 within your organisation

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* 7. Would you like to speak to us about the possibility of Dynamic Training delivering The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training Tier 2 ?

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* 8. Dynamic Training is also looking to expand their commercial training offerings and would greatly appreciate hearing from you about any specific areas where you have a demand for training that we can support.

Your input will be instrumental in shaping our future training programmes to meet your needs effectively. Please feel free to share your thoughts and suggestions below. Thank you for your valuable contribution!

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* 9. A bit about you