
Melton Borough Council adopted a new Melton Local Plan in October 2018. Policy EN7 of the adopted Melton Local Plan requires the provision of open space to meet identified deficiencies and to sustain quantity standards as the population grows.

The Council has commissioned a new Open Space Strategy for the town of Melton Mowbray as it believes that providing clarity and transparency, in respect of open space provision, will increase the Council’s reputation for being open in the way it seeks contributions for infrastructure from developers.  To achieve this, a deliverable open spaces strategy plan for the main built up area of Melton Mowbray, encompassing the proposed sustainable neighbourhoods to the north and south, has been commissioned. 

The Consultation draft is available on the Council’s Local Plan website, which you can access at ( Please keep this document open while you complete this Survey. You are invited to provide feedback using survey monkey no later than 12.00 noon on the 31st August 2020.  We cannot guarantee that comments received beyond this date will be taken into account.

Your input will help us revise the draft and shape the final strategy.

Thank you.

How to respond:  

We have set 10 key questions on the consultation draft strategy report for you to answer which will help us take the Strategy forward.  The final question (question 12 in the survey below) allows you to make any other comments you wish to add.  Please be as brief and concise in your answers as possible. 

Question Title

* 1. Which of the following most closely matches who you are?

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* 2. Which of the following options best describes your current employment status?

Content of Draft Open Spaces Strategy and Action Plan

Question Title

* 3. Do you consider that there are any notable omissions from chapters 1 - 6 of the draft report, if so, please say what is missing and why in your opinion it should be included?

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* 4. Do you have any comments on the typology (i.e. types of open space) used for this Strategy (figure 6 on page 17)?

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* 5. Do you support the new recommended standards for open space in Melton Mowbray (figure 19 on page 29)?

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* 6. Do you have any comments on chapter 7 the ‘Quantity and Access Standards’, especially the observations made in the figures and text boxes in this chapter?

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* 7. Looking at the results of the ‘quality audit’ shown in figure 32 on page 45, is the data in line with your expectations or is there anything that surprises you?

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* 8. Do you agree with the ‘vision statement’ (page 46), if not, what would you like to see added?

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* 9. Do you have any comments you would like to make on any of the Strategies in chapter 9. For example, is there anything notably missing?

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* 10. Within the Developers Contributions Strategy (pages 56 – 59) do you consider that the scale of development guidelines (figure 38), capital contribution calculation (figure 39) and revenue contributions for open space management (figure 40) are fair and reasonable?

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* 11. Do you support the concept of a major new open space destination with the working title Melton Mowbray Natural Park as described on pages 60 and 61?

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* 12. Please use this space to add any other comments you wish to be considered:

Thank You for completing the Survey

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* 13. Please provide your email address below if you would like to receive updates on the development of the Open Spaces Strategy and Action Plan