This questionnaire is intended to help you focus; on what you have achieved through the first half of our sessions, what you still want to achieve in our remaining sessions and how you more desire to move forward.  It should take you no more than 2 minutes to complete - answer instinctively and from the heart!

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* 1. Please complete your full name (including how you prefer to be addressed)

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* 2. What was it that initially prompted you to sign up to work with me?

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* 3. How, if at all, has this situation changed?

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* 4. What additional challenges have you identified or encountered since we started working together?

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* 5. What one thing would you improve right now if I could wave a magic wand over your head and yell 'abracadabra'?

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* 6. On a scale of 1-10 (10 = amazing, brilliant, couldn't do better, 1= I am slug, covered in salt and someone stepped on me) how would you rate your progress so far?

1 5 10
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 7. What, if anything, would improve this score?

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* 8. What's next for you? What's your next challenge or item to progress?

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* 9. Anything else I need to know?