Feedback on Glasgow Clyde College BSL Action Plan

We very much welcome feedback on our Draft BSL Plan from students, staff and other stakeholders, including organisations, community and voluntary groups, and members of the public. Whether you are part of a group, or are an individual, we are happy to for you to get in touch and provide us with your feedback. We will also be working in partnership with BSL (Scotland) Act 2015 Partners, including Deaf Action, and with BSL Communities to help ensure meaningful engagement and effective consultation.
Each statement listed in this survey is related to Glasgow Clyde College DRAFT BSL Action Plan 2018 - 2024. Please provide feedback on any or all areas you want. The deadline for returns is Friday 12 October 2018. 

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* 3.1.1 Analyse existing evidence we have about students, staff, prospective students and prospective staff who use BSL; identify and fill key information gaps so that we can establish baselines and measure our progress.

·  Identify data gaps and improve key information gathering processes/procedures
· Gather quantative statistics regarding -

o    Numbers of Deaf/Deaf Blind BSL users

o    Retention and Attainment statistics of BSL users

o    Numbers BSL interpreters employed

·    Gather qualitative feedback from BSL users via-

o    Progress Review (ELS and Guidance Reviews)

o    Relevant surveys

o    Recruitment events

o    Open Days

 ·   Utilise this data to benchmark and improve services for students and staff, current and prospective

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* 3.1.2 Improve information and services for students and prospective students who use BSL, including making our website more accessible to BSL users.

· Identify and prioritise specific information and services which require improvement, including a fully accessible and inclusive website
· Ensure improvements are actioned and relevant adjustments made with continual feedback from the appropriate stakeholders and partners

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* 3.1.3 Promote the use of the Scottish Government’s nationally funded BSL online interpreting video relay services called ‘contactSCOTLAND-BSL’, which allows BSL users to contact public and their sector services and for these services to contact them.

· Promote ‘contactSCOTLAND-BSL’ to staff via all internal communication methods
· Include logo and details within all staff email signatures
· Include logo and details in prominent areas of our website and relevant printed literature

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* 3.1.4 Signpost staff who work with BSL users to appropriate BSL awareness training, and enable them to take up such training.

· Identify and prioritise key front line staff members to be trained
· Provide relevant tailored training to the key staff
· Develop a calendar of appropriate training for all staff

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* 3.1.5 Take steps to ensure that our campuses and facilities are accessible to BSL users.

· Invite BSL users and partner organisations to audit campuses/facilities
· Identify and action areas for improvement

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* 3.2.1 Take action to ensure that students and prospective students who use BSL are properly supported.

Provide fully accessible information, guidance and support for students and prospective students throughout their learner journey including-

· Accessible website and course/funding/college information

· Accessible information regarding and provision of learning support, assistive technology and access to all learning materials

· Accessible information regarding and provision of all student services including Counselling, Mental health First aid, H&S information Library, Student Advice, Learning Inclusion, Safeguarding, Student Association, Social events/clubs

· Accessible campuses and signage within and across the college campuses

· Access to open days for prospective students who use BSL

· Fully inclusive and accessible application/interview process

· Support during the transition process to and from College

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* 3.2.2 Take on board guidance/advice produced by the SFC and others to ensure that across the college/university, staff are aware of their responsibilities towards BSL users, and that students who use BSL know what to expect.


· Use all internal communication methods to inform good practice and provide guidance. 

· Collaborate with regional partners and organisations to ensure parity of provision

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* 3.2.3 Invite continuous feedback from students/prospective students and staff who use BSL over the coming year/18 months after adopting this plan.


· Develop a calendar of feedback sessions with relevant individuals and organisations over the next 18 months to comment.

· Embed feedback tools online for continual feedback of the plan on website/staff intranet

Question Title

* 3.2.4 Commit to reviewing/refreshing this plan which includes more ‘local’ actions (based on that feedback) after the national progress report (due October 2020).


·  Develop an internal GCC SMART action plan to sit behind the published plan to ensure actions are implemented and achieved across the College

·  Review internal SMART action plan annually to include feedback and measure impact

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* 3.2.5 Provide assistance (including examples) to students who use BSL to help them compete SAAS application forms.


Train key staff to be able to fully support and provide assistance to students in completing any funding forms including SAAS applications, DSA, Bursary forms etc.

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* 3.3 Help make progress toward the long-term goal for family support, early learning and childcare. If the college/university has childcare facilities for staff/students is this accessible and welcoming to parents and children who use BSL?

· Through the promotion and embedding of equality and inclusion for all early years’ service users, the nursery will provide a service which is both accessible and respectful to all.

· Staff will be provided with and engage in all relevant BSL training

· Integrated awareness and promotion of BSL with all children and their families

· Relevant HR policies for staff will be fully accessible and available in BSL

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* 3.4.1 Help make progress toward the long-term goal for school education
· Fully support transition from school/community groups to GCC for BSL users and their families

· Establish direct links and appropriate partnership working with specialist school provision and other relevant agencies

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* 3.5.1 Raise awareness of the UK Government’s ‘Access to Work’ scheme for students who use BSL towards the end of their course, so that they can benefit from the support it provides when they enter the world of work.

Establish a fully accessible Careers, Information and Guidance Service which meets the needs of all individuals ensuring appropriate specific support for BSL users

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* 3.6.1 Take steps to ensure that health/mental health services (including advice and counselling services) within the college/university are fully accessible to students who use BSL.
· Identify all services for both students and staff that raise awareness, promote health and wellbeing, and ensure they are fully accessible to BSL users

· These will include-

o        Counselling
o        Health & Safety
o        First Aid
o        Mentally Healthy College Services
o        Safeguarding
o        HR

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* 3.7.1 Work with internal stakeholders and local transport providers to ensure that travel information is visual, up to date, accessible and well-publicised.
Identify and review specific requirements of BSL users regarding access to transport, to and from the College

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* 3.8.1 Take action to ensure that extracurricular/recreational activities offered within the college/university are accessible to all individuals who use BSL.

· Review current provision and support for BSL users in relation to student and staff events/activities, including Fresher’s Week, clubs/societies, volunteering opportunities and staff networks

· Include BSL provision in the planning and delivery of student and staff events/activities.

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* 3.9.1 Ensure that BSL users are fully supported in accessing advocacy and justice systems from external agencies.


·  Signpost and raise awareness of relevant national bodies, organisations and interpreting services to BSL users

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* 3.10.1 Promote and support the involvement of BSL users in relevant internal and external groups/bodies.


· Encourage and enable staff and students who use BSL to take an active and full role in the committees and structures of the College

·  The GCCSA will explore ways to ensure students who use BSL are able to fully engage in our democratic structures, including Class Rep/GCCSA elections

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* If you would like to add any comments or make any recommendations please insert here. If you would like to send a video please use and send to The deadline for returns is Friday 5 October 2018.