Exit Counselling/Psychotherapy in Warwickshire This survey seeks to understand the counselling/psychotherapy needs of Warwickshire residents and gauge interest in group therapy sessions with a view to establishing local provision if there is enough interest. All responses will remain completely anonymous unless you provide contact information for follow-up correspondence. Question Title * 1. Are you currently in need or waiting to access mental health support? Yes No Prefer not to answer Question Title * 2. In 3 words or less please could you summarise anything that you would appreciate mental health support for e.g. alcohol misuse, post-natal depression. Question Title * 3. Group therapy is when a group of individuals who share a common issue will be supported by a therapist and work together in a therapeutic way. It may involve sharing experiences, doing group exercises, reflection, psycho-education.Would that be of interest to you? Yes, I'm very interested. Maybe, I'm somewhat interested. I'm not sure. I am not interested in this at the moment but might be in the future. I would not be interested in this at all. Question Title * 4. Please select any areas of support that might be useful to you or a friend/family member. (Please select any/all that apply). Post-natal depression/post-partum trauma Parents of neuro-diverse children Neurodiversity Retirees Menopausal women Racial trauma Chronic health conditions Separation/divorce High-pressure jobs Stay-at-home parents Adoptees Parents of neuro-diverse young adults Trauma Substance mis-use Grief Financial pressures Relationships/Sex Carers Stress Anger Anxiety Depression Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. Would you like to be kept updated of group therapy relating to themes identified in Q4? No Thanks Yes please. (Insert email address). Question Title * 6. What is the nearest town to you? Question Title * 7. What is your age? Under 18 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ Prefer not to say Question Title * 8. Gender you best identify with. Question Title * 9. Ethnicity White Black or African American Hispanic or Latino Asian or Asian American American Indian or Alaska Native Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander Another race Prefer not to say Done