This survey seeks to understand the counselling/psychotherapy needs of Warwickshire residents and gauge interest in group therapy sessions with a view to establishing local provision if there is enough interest.  All responses will remain completely anonymous unless you provide contact information for follow-up correspondence.

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* 1. Are you currently in need or waiting to access mental health support?

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* 2. In 3 words or less please could you summarise anything that you would appreciate mental health support for e.g. alcohol misuse, post-natal depression.

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* 3. Group therapy is when a group of individuals who share a common issue will be supported by a therapist and work together in a therapeutic way.  It may  involve sharing experiences, doing group exercises, reflection, psycho-education.
Would that be of interest to you?

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* 4. Please select any areas of support that might be useful to you or a friend/family member.  (Please select any/all that apply).

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* 5. Would you like to be kept updated of group therapy relating to themes identified in Q4?

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* 6. What is the nearest town to you?

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* 7. What is your age?

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* 8. Gender you best identify with.

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* 9. Ethnicity