Black Country Community and Voluntary Sector I Thrive Survey

Thrive model and where organisations sit

Around 80% of children at any one time are experiencing the normal ups and downs of life but do not need individualised advice or support around their mental health issues. They are considered to be in the Thriving group. They may however benefit from prevention and promotion and communities implementing the THRIVE Framework should consider how best to support such initiatives at a system level.
An example of this could be a local Youth group or Scouts group or general sports activities or chatting to an adult at school or faith group or chatting to a friend.   
Within this grouping are children, young people and families adjusting to life circumstances, with mild or temporary difficulties and those with usual challenges who are struggling to navigate them independently with usual ‘thriving’ support, where the best intervention is within the community with the possible addition of self-support.
engage parents and carers.
Examples of this could be the Single Point of Access used to access the Emotional Mental Health and Wellbeing Services, Inclusion Support’s Training and Development offer for Schools, SENDIASS, Kooth, Voice for Parents.  It also could be a member of an organisation pointing out suitable webpages to access for further support maybe around bereavement.  
This grouping comprises those children, young people and families who would benefit from focused, appropriately targeted help and support, with clear aims, and criteria for assessing whether these aims have been achieved.  It should be purposeful and planned. 
This group comprises those who need specific interventions focused on agreed mental health/ emotional wellbeing outcomes.
This may relate to activities that are used to increase self-esteem and self-confidence and reducing social isolation.
Those who need additional extensive and specialised goals-based help for a smaller number of individuals who may require particular attention and coordination from those providing services across the locality.  Organisations in this category use an evidence-based approach with care plans which have clear aims and review process in place.  Services offering ‘getting more help’ support should be integrated with the wider system to ensure a holistic approach for the young people.  Consideration should be given to what support has already been tried and whether there is need for co-ordinated support. Thriving and getting help interventions should be tried first where safe to do so or where appropriate. 
Those who have not benefitted from evidence-based treatment or are unable to use help, but remain of significant concern because of the risk to themselves, others or property.  They are often still in contact with services, usually criminal justice service, specialist mental health services e.g. crisis or inpatient units, liaison and diversion and/or police.
This group might include children and young people who routinely go into crisis but are not able to make use of help offered, or where help offered has not been able to make a difference; who self-harm; or who have emerging personality disorders or ongoing issues that have not yet responded to interventions.
1.1.       What is the name of your organisation?
2.1.       Please indicate where you are based:
3.Are you aware of the I Thrive model? If yes please advise how your service sits within the model
4.If you are not aware of the I Thrive model would you be interested in more information about the model?
5.Are there any training courses that you would be interested in us trying to source which will support the development of staff skills to meet the emotional health and well-being needs of children and young people?
6.What would be the benefits of this training?
7.Is there anything Black Country Healthcare NHS Trust can do to support your organisation? If Yes please comment below.