Preston Visitor Survey 2017 1. This survey will take less than two minutes....please share your opinion with us. 14% of survey complete. Question Title * 1. To help us survey an equal proportion of visitors to Preston please tell us your gender and which age group you fall into. Male Female 15-24 15-24 Male 15-24 Female 25-34 25-34 Male 25-34 Female 35-44 35-44 Male 35-44 Female 45-54 45-54 Male 45-54 Female 55-64 55-64 Male 55-64 Female 65-74 65-74 Male 65-74 Female 75+ 75+ Male 75+ Female Question Title * 2. Please tell us in which area you live: Preston South Ribble Chorley Blackpool & the Fylde Wyre Ribble Valley Lancaster East Lancashire Cumbria Greater Manchester Merseyside Cheshire Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. Do you work in Preston City Centre? Yes No Question Title * 4. On average how often have you visited Preston city centre in the last year? Every day More than once a week Once a week Every fortnight Every month Every three months Every six months At least once this year This is my first visit in the last twelve months Question Title * 5. Thinking about the last time you visited Preston, what did you visit for?(tick all that apply) Shopping Socialising (Lunch / dinner / drinks etc) Beauty services (hairdresser tanning salon nail bar) Financial services (bank, building society etc) Professional services (solicitor, doctor etc) Cultural reasons (galleries, theatre etc) Religious reasons Work Passing through University / college / school Other (please state) Question Title * 6. And how did you get to Preston last time you visited? By car On the park & ride bus In a taxi By bus By train I cycled I walked I live in the city centre Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. How would you rate the following things in Preston city centre?Please use a scale of 1 - 5 where 1 is very poor and 5 is very good. 1 - Very poor 2 - Poor 3 - Neither good nor poor 4 - Good 5 - Very good Shopping Shopping 1 - Very poor Shopping 2 - Poor Shopping 3 - Neither good nor poor Shopping 4 - Good Shopping 5 - Very good Restaurants, cafes & takeaways Restaurants, cafes & takeaways 1 - Very poor Restaurants, cafes & takeaways 2 - Poor Restaurants, cafes & takeaways 3 - Neither good nor poor Restaurants, cafes & takeaways 4 - Good Restaurants, cafes & takeaways 5 - Very good Night life Night life 1 - Very poor Night life 2 - Poor Night life 3 - Neither good nor poor Night life 4 - Good Night life 5 - Very good Galleries, museums & culture Galleries, museums & culture 1 - Very poor Galleries, museums & culture 2 - Poor Galleries, museums & culture 3 - Neither good nor poor Galleries, museums & culture 4 - Good Galleries, museums & culture 5 - Very good Parking Parking 1 - Very poor Parking 2 - Poor Parking 3 - Neither good nor poor Parking 4 - Good Parking 5 - Very good Commercial Businesses Commercial Businesses 1 - Very poor Commercial Businesses 2 - Poor Commercial Businesses 3 - Neither good nor poor Commercial Businesses 4 - Good Commercial Businesses 5 - Very good Entertainment Entertainment 1 - Very poor Entertainment 2 - Poor Entertainment 3 - Neither good nor poor Entertainment 4 - Good Entertainment 5 - Very good Customer Service / Welcome Customer Service / Welcome 1 - Very poor Customer Service / Welcome 2 - Poor Customer Service / Welcome 3 - Neither good nor poor Customer Service / Welcome 4 - Good Customer Service / Welcome 5 - Very good Vibrancy (events, activities) Vibrancy (events, activities) 1 - Very poor Vibrancy (events, activities) 2 - Poor Vibrancy (events, activities) 3 - Neither good nor poor Vibrancy (events, activities) 4 - Good Vibrancy (events, activities) 5 - Very good Preston's Image Preston's Image 1 - Very poor Preston's Image 2 - Poor Preston's Image 3 - Neither good nor poor Preston's Image 4 - Good Preston's Image 5 - Very good Your level of pride for Preston Your level of pride for Preston 1 - Very poor Your level of pride for Preston 2 - Poor Your level of pride for Preston 3 - Neither good nor poor Your level of pride for Preston 4 - Good Your level of pride for Preston 5 - Very good Question Title * 8. Thinking about the last time you used a car park in Preston city centre which car park did you use? St George's Shopping Centre Fishergate Shopping Centre Avenham Bus Station Market Hall Hill Street None of the above Next