ERSA Membership Survey

This is ERSA's annual membership survey and all responses will remain anonymous. If you choose to include an email address for a follow up, this will be handled confidentially by the ERSA Team.
1.What is the name of your organisation and your job title? (This is for verification purposes only)
2.Please tick all that apply
3.Which of the following best describes your organisation?
4.How would you rate your overall experience with ERSA?
5.Would you recommend ERSA membership to another relevant organisation?
6.(NEW MEMBERS ONLY) Why did you join ERSA?
7.What are the three most important ERSA services to you from the following:(Required.)
8.Do you know who sits on the ERSA board and how you can contact the board if desired?
9.Do you attend ERSA Forums?
10.What is your primary reason in attending ERSA Forums?
11.How could ERSA’s forums be improved?
12.How would you rate ERSA’s website?
13.Have you accessed the member only content on the ERSA website? 
14.Do you read ERSA’s weekly e-bulletin?
15.ERSA is considering the range of services it provides over the next three years.  Which of these would you value?
16.ERSA is always seeking to ensure that its activity covers the main areas of interest to members. In addition to its current wide range of activities, which of the following do you believe should receive increased priority from ERSA over the coming year?
17.ERSA is developing the employment support sector for future commissioning, which of these would you prioritise?
18.What are the three main things that you would like ERSA to do during 2022-23?
19.Is there anything else you want to feedback to ERSA?
20.If you would like a response to anything included, please include your email address
Current Progress,
0 of 20 answered