We'd love your help to understand what happens to you in a powercut Question Title * 1. Do you ever get power cuts? I’ve never had one Rarely Perhaps a couple of times a year More than a couple of times a year …. Or tell us in your own words OK Question Title * 2. When you have had a powercut, how long have they lasted (if variable, please select all that apply)? Less than an hour one to two hours two to four hours Up to half a day longer ... or tell us if you have something else OK Question Title * 3. Which of your electrical devices would you need to keep going during a power cut? Most important Important Least important N/A Fridge / freezer Fridge / freezer Most important Fridge / freezer Important Fridge / freezer Least important Fridge / freezer N/A Gas central heating (requires electricity to run) Gas central heating (requires electricity to run) Most important Gas central heating (requires electricity to run) Important Gas central heating (requires electricity to run) Least important Gas central heating (requires electricity to run) N/A Assorted electrical heating Assorted electrical heating Most important Assorted electrical heating Important Assorted electrical heating Least important Assorted electrical heating N/A Home lighting Home lighting Most important Home lighting Important Home lighting Least important Home lighting N/A Internet router for broadband Internet router for broadband Most important Internet router for broadband Important Internet router for broadband Least important Internet router for broadband N/A TV TV Most important TV Important TV Least important TV N/A Phone charger Phone charger Most important Phone charger Important Phone charger Least important Phone charger N/A Garage door opening Garage door opening Most important Garage door opening Important Garage door opening Least important Garage door opening N/A Gas cooker (requires electricity to run) Gas cooker (requires electricity to run) Most important Gas cooker (requires electricity to run) Important Gas cooker (requires electricity to run) Least important Gas cooker (requires electricity to run) N/A Is there something we've forgotten? OK Question Title * 4. Finally please rank your personal priorities if you were to use a battery storage system 1 2 3 4 N/A To maintain power in a power cut N/A 1 2 3 4 N/A To store my surplus solar energy N/A 1 2 3 4 N/A To save money N/A 1 2 3 4 N/A To reduce my carbon footprint N/A OK DONE