Entering your class for a place at No Barriers 2022

There are limited spaces at the No Barriers 2022 Digital Event. Please answer the short questions below to explain your schools suitability for this event.

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* 1. Do you have any experience of addressing harassment in a school setting?

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* 2. How confident do you feel addressing harassment in your school?

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* 3. Before hearing about No Barriers 2022, were you aware that 10% of harassment cases reported to the police involve girls under the age of 10?

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* 4. Why do you think your school should take part in the event?

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* 5. What does your school already do to promote gender equality in your school or classroom?

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* 6. Given the increased awareness of harassment against girls in school settings, what do you think would help you create a positive impact in your classroom, your school, your playground? Any ideas are welcome.

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* 7. Have you ever attended a women’s football match?

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* 8. Select schools will be invited to ask questions as part of the event. If you would like to be considered, please include a selection of questions you would like to ask below. You can also submit questions later to NoBarriers@Big-Ideas.org