This Caja survey is to understand the critical organisational that are needed in current and future employees to help you achieve your business goals. This data will be analysed to understand whether needs are being met by the current educational provision.  Many respondents will leave their email address so that we send a copy of our findings once the survey window is closed.
The final report will not identify any individual responses and will be anonymous.

Question Title

* 1. What is your age range?

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* 3. What size of business are you in?

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* 5. Please select the 3 most valued individual skills needed for organisation to be currently successful?

  3 Most Valued Skills
Emotional Intelligence
Data Literacy
Communication Skills
Ability to Build Relationships
Time Management
Digital Literacy
Curiosity and Continuous Learning
Leadership Skills
Problem Solving

Question Title

* 6. Please select the 3 least valued individual skills needed for organisation to be currently successful?

  3 Least Valued Skills
Digital Literacy
Communication Skills
Problem Solving
Emotional Intelligence
Data Literacy
Leadership Skills
Ability to Build Relationships
Time Management
Curiosity and Continuous Learning

Question Title

* 7. What do you believe to be the top 3 most important skills that will be needed by your sector in  5 years time ?

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* 8. Are there any unlisted skills needed?

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* 9. How well do you think current graduates are prepared to have the skills needed for your organisation in 5 years time?

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* 10. If you would like receive a copy of the findings, please provide us with your email address.