
The Council has been going through a period of change following a Peer Review by the Local Government Association.

In February 2018, the Council considered a Corporate Peer Challenge report which was put together by a team of peer representatives from different Councils and highlighted areas of good practice and recommendations for how the Council can improve moving forward.

One of the aspects of the review was the effectiveness of the Council’s governance arrangements.  Since the Peer Review, Councillors have been on a journey of reviewing how the Council makes decisions and how it can be more open and accountable to residents and stakeholders.

As part of this process the Council is keen to hear from residents about their views on the way decisions are made. 

Your feedback is important to us and thank you for taking part by responding to the questions on the following pages.  There are 14 short questions that require a yes or no answer in each case.  

This survey is open until 4 October 2018 and the results will be available on the website by 21 November 2018.