Beetlebox interactive teacher feedback Question Title * 1. Please tell us the name of your school: OK Question Title * 2. School Postcode: OK Question Title * 3. Did you play the interactive as a whole class or independently? Whole Class Independent Activity OK Question Title * 4. How easy was the game to follow: Very easy Easy Neither easy nor difficult Difficult Very difficult OK Question Title * 5. How far did the game engage your students? Very engaged Engaged I don't know Slightly engaged Not engaged OK Question Title * 6. Were the additional teacher resources provided helpful? Yes No Please explain: OK Question Title * 7. How far do you agree with this statement: "This resource met the teaching goals listed in the teacher notes" Strongly agree Agree I don't know Disagree Strongly disagree OK Question Title * 8. Did you come across any challenges when using the resource? Yes No Please explain: OK Question Title * 9. Is there anything that would make the interactive easier to use in the classroom? OK Question Title * 10. Thank you for helping us to improve our resources. If you would like to receive our teachers' newsletter please enter your email address below:The Museum of Zoology uses your personal information to keep in touch via a teachers' newsletter only. We do not share your information with other organisations. For more details on how we handle your personal information, and your rights under data protection legislation please see OK DONE