Great Place Lakes and Dales Survey for Local Businesses
Great Place Lakes and Dales Survey for Local Businesses
The Great Place Lakes and Dales programme is exploring ways to encourage younger people (18 – 34) to live and work in the Skipton to Grasmere corridor, using arts, heritage and culture as a catalyst for change. The project is funded by Heritage Lottery Fund, Arts Council, England, Craven District Council, South Lakeland District Council and the Yorkshire Dales and Lake District National Park Authorities.
The purpose of this survey is to identify:
the benefits and challenges of running a business in the area
good practice or issues around recruiting and retaining young people.
We would also like to know if you have considered, or are interested in, working with creative industries and the cultural sector.
No individual businesses will be identified in the reports generated as a result of this survey.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us for further information at or to sign up for the Great Place: Lakes and Dales newsletter at