Tourism Exchange Great Britain (TXGB) and Visit Wales Opportunities

An Opportunity and Request for Feedback

The Tourism Exchange Great Britain (TXGB) platform has already been successfully rolled out across England, Scotland and Northern Ireland through the work of Visit Britain and Visit Wales has now licensed the platform for Wales businesses providing tourism suppliers with a central digital marketplace to contract and connect their content, availability and pricing with a diverse range of distributors in one go and manage this in one place which will be the platform that they use globally.
Visit Wales are assessing the current position for Wales businesses in terms of bookability and marketing.  They are looking at whether you as a tourism business would be interested in becoming part of the Tourism Exchange Great Britain platform and also engage further with Visit Wales opportunities.
1.Business Name
2.Contact email address
3.What type of product do you offer?(Required.)
4.Are these products currently bookable on your own website?
5.Do you sell your product via third parties (e.g. via Online Travel Agents, Tour Operators etc)
6.If yes to Q5 please provide some information on who you currently work with
7.If no to Q5 is there a reason for this?  Please specify
8.If selling your products via third parties platforms, how much commission do you pay?
9.Do you have a booking system in place to manage your reservations/ticket sales, take bookings online and access distribution?
10.If yes to Q9, which system (s) do you use?(Required.)
11.If no to Q9, can you specify reason for this?  What issues have you faced?
12.If you are a member of North Wales Tourism would you be interested in sharing your bookable products on the Go North Wales website?(Required.)
13.Which other third party websites are you interested in selling your products on but are not able to currently?
14.Would you like us to pass your details to TXGB for them to contact you directly for a no obligation chat?
15.What Visit Wales opportunities do you currently engage with? (tick all that apply)
16.If you would like us to pass your details to Visit Wales for them to contact you directly about one or more of the following opportunities please mark below
17.Any Other Comments
Current Progress,
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