Please tell us how you use your facility time The Trade Union Bill gives the government new powers to end facility time. Could you help with the campaign by telling us your experience of facility time? We know UNISON reps do incredible things with their facility time, and we're going to campaign to defend it. Question Title * 1. First name Question Title * 2. Last name Question Title * 3. Age 27 or younger 28-35 36-45 46-55 56-65 66-75 75+ Question Title * 4. Gender Female Male Other Question Title * 5. Sector Local government Health Education (including higher education) Police and justice Community Water, environment and transport Energy Question Title * 6. Job title Question Title * 7. County Question Title * 8. Post code Question Title * 9. What type of rep are you? Steward Learning rep Equalities rep Health and safety rep Branch officer Other (please specify) Question Title * 10. Have you used facility time to resolve a grievance or other individual issue that you feel would have escalated and become a more serious problem for the member without your involvement? Yes No Question Title * 11. If you answered yes to the question above, please describe one time you did this... Question Title * 12. Please describe one time you have used your facility time to help a colleague, of which you are particularly proud Question Title * 13. Have you used facility time to support your colleagues during very difficult times such as restructuring or redundancy? Yes No Question Title * 14. If you answered yes to the question above please describe one time that you did this... Question Title * 15. Can you describe something you have negotiated for members using your facility time? Question Title * 16. What do you spend most of your facility time doing?Please rank in order of what you spend most time doing 1 2 3 4 5 6 health and safety inspections 1 2 3 4 5 6 advising, supporting and representing members in grievances or disciplinaries or other personal cases 1 2 3 4 5 6 attending meetings or collectively negotiating with employers 1 2 3 4 5 6 helping colleagues access learning and skills training 1 2 3 4 5 6 internal union training courses, meetings and democracy 1 2 3 4 5 6 other Question Title * 17. Do you think your employer values facility time? Yes No Please explain why you feel this way Question Title * 18. Do you think facility time is under attack in your workplace? Yes No Please explain why you feel like this Question Title * 19. Can we keep you up to date on the campaign? Yes No thanks Question Title * 20. Address Email Address Question Title * 21. Can we use your answers in our campaign communications (on the website, or social media for example)? Yes No Thank you for taking the time for filling in the survey. It will really help with the campaign. Done