Question Title

* 1. We are keen to find out how helpful you found the Get Support website, and any improvements you feel might be important. We want to make our material as engaging as possible for people, and your feedback will help greatly with this. 

First, could you please let us know whether you will be providing your feedback based on using the Get Support website via (please tick one option only; if you have used both a desktop/laptop and mobile phone to access Get Support, please give your feedback based on only one of these):

Question Title

* 2. This website is aimed at people who are struggling with their sexual thoughts/feelings about children or who have done so in the past. Some people may never have acted upon their thoughts and feelings while others may have been convicted of sexual offences against children. It would therefore be helpful to know a bit more about you. Please tick all the boxes below that apply to you.

Question Title

* 3. For the following question, please consider the presentation of the Get Support website. This includes the colours used, the visual images and the layout of the material. What do you like about the look of the Get Support website? And what improvements would you make to the look of the Get Support website? i.e. different colours, images, would you like to see more or less of anything in particular?

Question Title

* 4. Navigating around the Get Support website. How easy do you find navigating around the Get Support website? Please indicate one rating from the options below.

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* 5. The overall content of the Get Support website How useful do you find the content of this website overall? Please indicate one rating from the options below.

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* 6. Please use the text box below to explain your reasoning for the rating given in question 5. It would be helpful if you could provide feedback on the content in each section of the website. These are: Get the Facts - introduction; Self-Awareness; Why Change?; Self-help modules; Get the Facts - UK Law section. If you have not visited all sections of the website, please provide feedback for only the sections of the website that you have visited. 

Question Title

* 7. Should we add anything else to the Get Support website which isn’t already there? Have we missed anything you think is important?

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* 8. Any other comments