Exit The Wisdom House online event 1. We'd love to know what you thought about this event. Question Title 1. How did you find out about this event? Care for the Family social media channels Friend/family recommendation Care for the Family booklet in post Care for the Family emails Other (please specify) Question Title 2. How helpful was this event in the following areas? 1- Not at all helpful 2 3 4 5- Very helpful Giving me more self-confidence Giving me more self-confidence 1- Not at all helpful Giving me more self-confidence 2 Giving me more self-confidence 3 Giving me more self-confidence 4 Giving me more self-confidence 5- Very helpful Giving me ideas to pass on to friends Giving me ideas to pass on to friends 1- Not at all helpful Giving me ideas to pass on to friends 2 Giving me ideas to pass on to friends 3 Giving me ideas to pass on to friends 4 Giving me ideas to pass on to friends 5- Very helpful Inspiring me to live differently Inspiring me to live differently 1- Not at all helpful Inspiring me to live differently 2 Inspiring me to live differently 3 Inspiring me to live differently 4 Inspiring me to live differently 5- Very helpful Providing ideas on how to solve difficult situations Providing ideas on how to solve difficult situations 1- Not at all helpful Providing ideas on how to solve difficult situations 2 Providing ideas on how to solve difficult situations 3 Providing ideas on how to solve difficult situations 4 Providing ideas on how to solve difficult situations 5- Very helpful Question Title 3. Are you coming away with at least ONE good practical idea to help you? No Yes If yes, please note it in the box below: Question Title 4. How was the event for you, from a technical point of view? Easy - I was able to watch the event with no problems Some issues, but broadly OK It was frustrating or I had problems I was unable to watch the content If you experienced problems connecting, please describe what the issues were so that we can work to fix them. Next