Science Resources for Schools (ENTHUSE Partnership): Report for the Edina Trust

The Edina Trust is keen to evaluate the impact of the SRfS ENTHUSE Partnership grant on the teaching and learning of science in your school.

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* 1. Name of School:

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* 2. ENTHUSE Partnership Name:

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* 3. Please rate the following questions:

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral  Agree Strongly Agree N/A
The lack of quality science resources in school limits the type of science lessons we can deliver
The lack of quality science resources in school affects the number of science lessons we can deliver
The science resources we have in school restrict the number of pupils that can actively take part in practical science. This means that science is often 'demonstrated' by teachers rather than carried out by pupils
Our current science resources do not enthuse and encourage pupils to have a lasting interest in science

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* 4. Please describe how the Edina funded science equipment enabled you to apply the professional learning acquired via the ENTHUSE Partnership Programme.

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* 5. Please describe how the Edina funded science equipment has impacted on (i) the science learning outcomes for your pupils, and, (ii) your teaching practice.

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* 6. Please describe an element of your science teaching which was really successful and fully met or surpassed your expectations, as well as any disappointments we can learn from.

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* 7. Please provide any comments/suggestions or ideas regarding the operation of the Scheme.

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* 8. Edina Science Grant Marketing
Edina publicises its grant scheme to schools via,, and various printed materials. We are particularly grateful for any photographs, with or without further supporting information or materials. Please send photographs to and state below whether you give Edina permission to use these.

Thank you very much for your feedback!