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Rushcliffe Borough Council Corporate Strategy 2023-27
We are committed to providing the statutory services you expect from your Council, such as emptying your bins on time, keeping your streets safe and clean, processing planning applications and providing benefits services.
But we are also committed to exceeding your expectations and delivering over and above the essentials. That’s where our Corporate Strategy comes in; it sets out our plan for the next four years, outlining what we’re striving to deliver in addition to the great quality services you expect.
Among many other things our Corporate Strategy for 2019-2023 set out our intention to:
· Build a new Crematorium
· Build a new leisure centre, community hall and office space in Bingham
· Refresh our carbon management plan and establish a carbon neutral target
We’re delighted that we were able to achieve each of those and more in the last four years.
It is now time to refresh the strategy and determine what you want us to prioritise next, in addition to the essentials.
By taking a few minutes to fill out this survey you’ll be helping to determine what we should be focusing on next and ensuring that our Corporate Strategy for 2023-2027 reflects what’s important to you as a resident, community group or business owner.