We would like you to share evidence, insights and experiences on how you are considering gender as part of your health partnership initiatives to support the health workforce and improve health systems in LMICs.

We will use this information to better support you to consider gender as part of your work and promote gender equality more widely.

Please be assured that the information you provide will only be used for the purpose of this consultation and will not be shared or sold to a third party. The information will be stored on our secured internal servers, should you have any further questions or concerns do not hesitate to  contact Peris Thuo at peris@thet.org. 

Question Title

* 1. In what areas does your health partnership pay careful attention to issues of gender equity in projects, including access of women and girls to training and services?

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* 2. In the context of your partnership work what would you say are the main challenges when considering gender equality?

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* 3. What plans do you have to address the challenges you have identified when considering gender equality?

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* 4. How are you assessing the contributions and impact of your partnership in advancing gender equality?

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* 5. In what ways can THET support you to better consider and integrate gender equality in your partnership work?

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* 6. Are you based in the UK?

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* 7. Which institution do you work for? (optional)

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* 8. What is the name of your partnership? (optional)

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* 9. Has your health partnership received THET funding before?

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* 10. Which health theme does your partnership focus on?

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* 11. If you are happy for us to contact you for further information, please provide your email address below

Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey.

THET Gender thematic group